Allow the unique assignment of Relationship IDs when publishing

06-13-2019 01:32 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor III

Similar to how we publish layers with a uniquely assigned ID, we also need to assign relationship IDs. This is because applications sometimes reference these ids and there is no rhyme or reason as to how relationship IDs get set internally so every time I publish after adding a layer that partakes in a relationship the IDs change. 


Please allow us to assign a relationship ID or ensure that ArcGIS doesn't renumber an existing relationship in a map when publishing to arcgis server.


Just commenting that this is a enhancement in the queue (no idea when it will be implemented):


@MatthewRantala1  :  It would be very helpful if a workaround could be created for on premise enterprise type installations and linked to this Idea. If such a workaround exists today, then please link that instead. 

Such a workaround could take the form of:

a) Updating the service definition file that will be used by the service. Perhaps the process would be publish the service. Then update the service definition file. Followed by republishing the service using the new service definition file.

b) Update the Map/Project used to publish the service and set this directly.

The work around could take the form of a python script, manual changes or any tool type you prefer.  It could also take the form of an API example. Such an example, could then wrapped up as a sample tool and maintained by the community. 

In a nutshell, a workaround would be extremely helpful.