Sharing web layer to ArcGIS Online from ArcGIS Pro with large number of fields fails with "Invalid URL, Invalid URL, Bad syntax in request"

05-24-2023 12:12 PM
Occasional Contributor

I am attempting to publish a hosted feature layer to AGO from ArcGIS Pro 3.1.1.  The service definition file will upload, but the publishing tool fails with an error:

Server Response: {"error":{"code":400,"message":"Invalid URL","details":["Invalid URL"]}}

Server Response: ERROR: code:400, Invalid URL, Invalid URL, Bad syntax in request.

Publishing tool execution failed           

The layer has 21 polygon features and 1003 attributes, all of which are of type Double.  If I remove 6 fields, the layer publishes successfully.  If I change all 1003 attributes to Long data type, the layer publishes successfully.  I realize the maximum number of fields in AGO for a feature layer is 1024, so I am not hitting against that.  Is there a space limitation for each feature layer?  Maybe 1003 fields of type Double is over the storage limit?

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Occasional Contributor

This has been logged as a bug BUG-000158603