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Map viewer search problem

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01-13-2025 08:24 AM
Occasional Contributor


Recently we have adopted a new naming scheme for our sanitary manholes and some of the manholes have changed from the old names.

I enabled search tool for our sanitary map but only a few of the manholes with new names would show up in the search result. For example, we have a manhole named "MH-A-1" and when I type "mh-", "MH-A" shows up in the search result, but when I type "mh-a" or "MH-A", the search results only show the esri world geocoding service results, as if that manhole does not exist. I also copy and pasted the name "MH-A-1" from the attribute table to the search bar and it also only showed the geocoding service results.

However when I searched the manholes with old names, everything seemed to be working fine.

How do I get the new names to show up in the search results? I'd appreciate any help or suggestions.

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1 Solution

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Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the help. @Laura @Nick_Creedon 

I changed "contains" to "equals" and now all the new values start to show up in the search result. I also changed my test map, which worked with "contains", from "contains" to "equals", and then back to "contains". Now it is displaying the same behavior as the original map. 

View solution in original post

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9 Replies
by MVP Regular Contributor
MVP Regular Contributor

Are the new names in a new field? Is the search widget configured for that?

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Occasional Contributor

They are in the same field, and it is for a web map in map viewer so no widgets. I did set up search by layer and all the old manhole names seemed to show up just fine.

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by MVP Regular Contributor
MVP Regular Contributor

- How was this published? You'll need to overwrite your data if it was copied to agol. 

- Ensure there are no spaces before or after the new ID.

- Clear browser cache.

- Have you tested this with a new layer that has a few data points with the renamed MHs to see if it still persists? 

Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the suggestions.

- The feature services were published from a local geodatabase before I took over.

- Actually first thing I thought about, so no extra spaces.

- Cleared cache and restarted browser, still the same behavior.

- exported a subset of the feature service as a local copy and uploaded it to AGOL. Now I have another problem going on. All the pts now stack up on one another. Tested the search function, still the same behavior. But I did reupload the backup as a test layer and created a test map. Changed some names in AGOL and it seems to be working in the test map

So it seems like a data issue? The original edits were made by another member who was assigned as data editor but I don't think he did anything different. I'll try to make edits on my ends and see if I can replicate.

Frequent Contributor

In your webmap setting have you verified the application search settings?



You can add and update layers so they may be searchable in your webmaps.

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Occasional Contributor

Yes, my settings are pretty much just like yours. It only worked on the ones that was not edited but not the ones edited last Friday. The edits was made in AGOL

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Frequent Contributor

What you could try is recreating the webmap with just your sanitary layer and remake the search settings and test it out. This is a quick test to see if this issue is consistent amongst other maps.

If this field is just a simple text field/String field with no domains or anything else, and all you did was start changing the Id within the existing field, it could just be bugging out. Sometimes I just need to remove a layer, save the map then add the layer back and reconfigure it, especially if I make schema changes in AGOL and or if I Overwrite a web layer.

Laura has a great point, it could also be your browser, I have had some problems resolved by clearing my browsing cache/cookies.

Feel free to send some screenshots if your issue persists 

Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the suggestions.

I tried both but still the same behavior. I did reupload my backup as a test layer and did the same. Everything seems to be working. The original edits were made by another member who was assigned as a data editor, but I don't think he did anything different. I made changes to our new name scheme and it did not show up in the results as well. But if I changed it to some other random names, it showed up in the search. The test map I created with the backup took the new names normally and showed up in the search. The new names do have many "-"s but that being said, the test map was fine. 

Search results from original mapSearch results from original map

Search results from test map on the reuploaded backup. I just gave that name to a random manholeSearch results from test map on the reuploaded backup. I just gave that name to a random manhole



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Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the help. @Laura @Nick_Creedon 

I changed "contains" to "equals" and now all the new values start to show up in the search result. I also changed my test map, which worked with "contains", from "contains" to "equals", and then back to "contains". Now it is displaying the same behavior as the original map. 

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