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How to change the label in the edit tab in map viewer?

11-04-2024 08:11 AM
Regular Contributor

Hi all,

There must be a really simple answer to my question but I can't seem to figure it out. When you are editing in Map Viewer and you have multiple features from the same layer selected, a list of those features pops up, and I'm trying to figure out how to change the way those features are labeled.

In the screenshot below, my features are labeled based on a useless field that will show "normal" for almost every single feature. I'd like to change which field is used, such as inspection date and/or inspected by.




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1 Reply
MVP Esteemed Contributor

That's controlled by the Display Field when the service was published. I can't see a way to change that in AGOL, but you can change that in ArcGIS Pro. Open up the Layer Properties dialog and select the Display tab.

For example, this is how one of my services was set up in ArcGIS Pro


and this is what the Rest service shows


When I edit it, all the points show the Habitat field


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