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Best way to add GeoTIFFs as layers on a web map

10-14-2024 03:14 PM
Occasional Contributor

We have some GeoTIFFs of FAA flight maps over the state of California that we would like to be viewable on a web map used in an Experience Builder app by one of our teams. We have 2 large high altitude flight maps and 7 smaller low altitude flight maps. When we try to upload each one as a KML, only parts of them will show up and when we try to upload them as Tile Services, we get an error saying that they're not compatible with the basemap, or if we bring them in using the URL, they just won't show up on the map at all. What's the best way of getting these to show up on a web map? Or are they simply just too large to show?

2 Replies
Esri Contributor

hi @jacob_ekn, try to publish it as a hosted tiled imagery layer. Here is the documentation on that:

Occasional Contributor

Hey @bbollin, I just tried this method and the GeoTIFFs will at least render but are no longer georeferenced. I made sure to drag all the associated files when uploading.

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