OpenStreetMaps data not displaying

2 weeks ago
New Contributor

I am attempting to add the OpenStrretMaps 3D Object layer to my current project. I've followed the instructions provided in the release notes of the 1.5 version of the SDK to add the layer to the map, and while I am seeing OpenStreetMaps basemaps added to the menu in the UI, I am not seeing any 3D data being displayed, even when looking at major cities. I have verified using both my project's terrain data and the New York building data from the tutorial that my map is correctly displaying other sources of 3D data, but it is not displaying 3D data from OpenStreetMaps.

I am working in Unreal v5.3.2, using ArcGIS SDK v1.5, with a local map using WGS84 with extents enabled.

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2 Replies
by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor

With this dataset because OSM uses SR 4326 which is a GCS, and you're using it in a local scene, it will be reprojected to 32662, you'll need to check off other layers on the scene and also select empty basemap in order for SR to reset to 32662. You can find more info about data loading in our FAQ page and SR supported by global/local scene 


We're also currently working on a way to improve this SR UX. 

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New Contributor

I tried changing the SR to 32662, but I am still not seeing any 3D building data from OSM. Are there other steps I need to take?

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