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When adding web layer, load all features in view

09-14-2024 02:42 PM
Status: Open
Honored Contributor

It's been a while since I've tried this extension so I thought I'd check it out and see if it works yet. It doesn't seem like it, as it has trouble loading web layers, as pictured below. This is supposed to be land use in Oak Park, Illinois (as seen here: It only loads part of the data. When will this be usable?




Hi @wayfaringrob ,

I took a look at this specific layer and can't seem to reproduce the issue you're seeing. 


It looks like some of your layers were in the process of loading (I see some of the orange polygons in your screenshot). Sometimes large datasets can take a while to load in the compilation window depending on your map size, scale, etc. Did you get any warnings about your dataset being too large? like this :



What were the mapboard dimension and scale in your case? We can try to repro what you're seeing in house.  I suggest playing around with your map's scale and size, if possible. One other option to try for maps with larger datasets is the AIX workflow in Pro. This workflow works really well for large, complex maps. 

Let me know if this helps!


@Anna_Breton  thanks, I felt I had waited a more than reasonable amount of time for the layer to load. There are no warnings and not even a loading indicator. I don't see a refresh button, either.

I've tried exporting .aix from Pro, and have too many problems with that to be usable (especially labels).
