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Work Flow for Configuring Commenting in Reporter Instant App

12-16-2024 08:37 AM
Regular Contributor

Hello: What is the work flow for configuring commenting abilities using a related table in the Instant App Reporter? The app does not recognize the related table/relationship class I created. 



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11 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @MelanieNeedle The workflow is when the layer has one or more layers related to it, the app will choose the first related table. Could you verify the relationship is set up correctly through map viewer or rest endpoint. Try saving the map and re-adding the map to check if the config panel is picking it up. If you still have issues, contact esri support or I can take a look as well if you can share the layer. 

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Regular Contributor

Thank you for the reply! The relationship is set up and the instant app is seeing it. I realize that the issue is the relationship/related table is not being seen by the form's editor in ArcGIS Online's map viewer. I was hoping to use the form functionality to limit which attributes are being show in the Reporter Panel Text of the Instant App. Also is their good documentation on how the attribute filter is supposed to work? What behavior does it control in the app?

Esri Contributor
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Emerging Contributor

Hey Melanie, I don't know if I completely understand what you mean by Reporter Panel Text, but the entries shown in the panel can be edited via the Pop-Ups in Map Viewer (the title is what you see on the entry before you click on it and all of the stuff you see once you click on an entry is the pop-up as well). The form functionality adjusts what the user sees when attempting to submit an entry (which aren't where comments are meant to be made).

I have been stumbling through this app trying to figure out how it works, so I hope this is helpful!

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Regular Contributor

Thanks for the comment. The Reported Panel or Panel Options is how you configure the reporting and commenting function in the instant app configuration wizard. I haven't made much progress yet. Trying to figure how if I can have one layer for agree/like comments with an icon showing a green thumps up and another showing disagree/dislike comments with a red thumbs down,

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Occasional Contributor


I have an editable layer with a form created in a webmap that has Domain Values, and the Domain values show as a list in the form.  That layer is in the Reporter app, but when going to make a report, the Domain value list doesn't appear, instead it is "category 1, category 2 etc."   Any suggestions?



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Frequent Contributor

Has anyone had success getting the like/thumbs up functionality to work? Please send link to an example app with it working if possible?

I have a DRAFT Report App and having issues clicking on the thumb icon (Issue here).

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Esri Contributor

Hi @ChristopherPollard Once you click on it, it will take you into the popup where you can add like or dislike. Could you check if you have configured a numeric field for like and dislike parameters for that layer. If you still have issues, please share your app I can take a look at it. 

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Frequent Contributor

Thanks and yes I have a integer field for capturing likes. Here is a link to the DRAFT App

As well as setting I have for the hosted feature layer, Web Map Form, and App configuration.


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