Feature Info Widget selecting only top layer in map

2 weeks ago
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New Contributor

I have created two Map Image Layers in our enterprise (Portal) system. The first has all the basic map layers that we would use in any map and the other has just has our parcel feature.
Next, I build a map in ArcGIS Online and added these Image Layer using their URLs. I put the Basic Map Layer on top and the Parcel Map Layer under it.

Then I built an Experience that uses this ArcGIS Online map. I add a Feature Info Widget and try to get it to display parcel information when I select a parcel in the map. The only thing I can select is features from the Basic Map Layer because it is on top. For the parcel selection to work, I had to change the map and make the parcel layer the first in the list or on top. It looks better on the bottom, but this is how it works. With this change, it would select the parcel and populate the Feature Info Widget.

It would be great if there was a toggle that would allow a person to say this layer is not selectable or have some kind of control over what layers are being selected for that widget and ignore all the others.

I hope this suggestion helps. There might be a way to control selection, but I am not aware of it. If someone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them.

To see the final app - https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/72bc7bb60fc54248beb30172d7e5f9f5#data_s=id%3AdataSource_1-1...

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1 Reply
by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor


Here are some other suggestions you can use:

1. Disable Pop-ups for Specific Layers. This can be done by removing the pop-ups for the layer in ArcGIS Online. Once the pop-ups are removed, the layer will not respond to clicks or selections in Experience Builder. For detailed steps, you can refer to the Esri Support article :https://support.esri.com/en-us/knowledge-base/how-to-disable-feature-selection-for-specific-layers-i...

2. You can also create data views for your layers and configure triggers in the Map widget to control which layers are selected and displayed in the Feature Info widget. This involves creating a data view for your parcel layer and setting up a trigger in the Map widget to filter the selection. For detailed steps, you can refer to the Esri Support article https://support.esri.com/en-us/knowledge-base/how-to-display-feature-records-in-the-list-widget-base...



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