In an Experience Builder site showing parcels and address points which contains a Search widget and a List widget, our client would like to be able to search for address points in the Search widget and filter the parcel list (List widget) to show the parcel intersecting the selected address point. For example, if you search for “350 E Dahlia Ave” and select the result, the parcel list should filter to show the one parcel intersecting 350 E Dahlia Ave.
This does not appear to be possible in Experience Builder without customization. The record selection actions connect trigger data (e.g. address points) to action data (e.g. parcels) based on attribute values, but not spatial values. There is no common field between the address points (in an address locator) and the parcels feature service. We would like to see spatial relationships as an alternative way to connect trigger data to action data.
Esri Support said it's unlikely that Experience Builder will support a spatial search between two layers. They suggested using the Query widget (choose parcels in the set query, then spatial filter option, and geometry from map then use the drawn graphic as shown below), but it did not provide the necessary functionality.