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Virtualizing ArcGIS Enterprise

02-04-2024 05:42 AM
New Contributor

Does anyone here have experience migrating from a single machine enterprise deployment to a virtualized environment? I'm looking for input on what resources to prioritize and guidance on speccing out a VM Host.

Our current server that is hosting our enterprise deployment is an Intel Xeon Silver 4110 @ 2.1 GHz with 128GB RAM (This machine is old and due for replacement) Our SQL Server is a separate machine that we wouldn't be moving to the VM at this time (but maybe in the future) It's an Intel Xeon Gold 5222 @ 3.8GHz with 192GB RAM.  

Our current Portal has 60 Creators and 100 Viewers. We support a Parcel Fabric deployment (only a couple editors) and will probably be deploying the Utility Network solution within the next year or two which may have 5-10 editors. I've had the new ArcGIS Monitor installed and running since February, and aside from slow startup times on shared instances, things seem to go fairly smoothly, but our userbase and usage is only going to go up. My plan was to have a prod and dev environment that are identical and also be able to do upgrades on one then swap it live when it completes upgrading enterprise from 10.8.1 to 10.9.1 took me 11 hours last time.

I had a discussion with our ESRI Rep and a solution engineer, and their mantra was more cores is better, but stopped short of suggesting anything unless I opted for their $7,500 solution engineer package or whatever they call it. They also recommended separate servers to handle Parcel Fabric and Utility Network. After speaking with our IT Consultant he specced out a VM Host that had 2 Intel Xeon Gold 6334 3.6GHz processors (which if I understand correctly since those are each 8 cores, we'd have 16 cores) and 256 GB RAM. This was specced out back in June so availability might have changed since then.

My main concern is that, while clearly far superior in specs than what we currently have, given the discussion with our rep/engineer that "more cores is better," are we hamstringing outselves? This is definitely not my area of expertise so I was curious if anyone on here has gone through this same thing, or specced a VM Host for a similarly sized environment.

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Esri Contributor

If you have a friendly DNS alias e.g. that you'd like to persist throughout your migration - read through this blog.

WebGISDr will do the content migration for you (It doesn't care that it's moving from a single machine to a distributed deployment) as long as your new setup is error-free! This would be a great way to keep any additional environments in sync i.e dev and Test. 

It's also great for your upgrade strategy. 

In terms of specs, it's very use-dependent. If you're heading towards separate servers for PF and UNE and you're not sure about the demand on the system yet; I'd suggest discussing with your IT which is the most effective and scalable VM plan to go with. 

Remember that the license model is only good for your ArcGIS Server machine for 4 cores unless you purchase the additional 4.

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