ArcGIS Enterprise (Pro 2.8.4): enabling enterprise geodatabase fails and ends up with “Active connections found during upgradeERROR”,
I couldn’t figure out why enabling enterprise geodatabase fails and ends up with the error below:
Active connections found during upgradeERROR: Failed to enable database option READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT on SQL Server database (B).
Close all other connections to the database and try again
What could be the issue here? How it can be resolved?
Have you tried closing all of the other connections to the DB and trying again? It will fail if other users are connected. You might have to kill all the connections directly through SSMS.
I noticed that closing\opening the Pro resolves the issue. That doesn’t make sense for me
I can second this. Had the same issue; restarted ArcGIS Pro and ran the tool again. It completed successfully. Go figure...