Last night I ran the patch for
- Portal for ArcGIS 11.3 Enterprise Sites Gallery Patch |
After that, when trying to get to Portal, I just get this:
Type: Status Report
Message: The requested resource [/arcgis/home/] is not available
Description: http.404:The requested resource [/arcgis/home/] is not available
The URL is
Does this site have anonymous access enabled?
No, it's disabled
Has an ESRI patch ever broken the Portal for you before? It has for me which was quite unexpected.
Are you able to access ArcGIS Server Manager still or is that also unavailable?
No this is the first time.
Server Manager is available. Portal Admin is also available.
It appears that just the 'home' is not.
Does your Portal use 'arcgis' for the Webadaptor name?
If not, that URL will not work unless you bypass the Webadaptor, like https://portalserver:7443/arcgis/home
Your Portal URL is publicly accessible, so I could test this. Looks like you are simply using the wrong URL.
You tried to access, which rightfully resulted in a 404 error as it does not exist.
Your Portal URL is configured as
It's highly unlikely that a patch caused this. Without more details about your setup (e.g., web adaptor and load balancer configuration, webcontextURL and privateportalURL configurations, etc), it's hard to say for sure. However, changing the public-facing URL of ArcGIS Enterprise isn't a trivial matter. If a URL change had occurred, you'd likely see more serious issues, such as your Portal failing to load.
To be blunt, I believe your URL has always been, and the confusion may stem from the direct 7443 URL that would use /arcgis/home context -