Hello all,
I'm having a few weird things happen with my notebook I am running in Pro and I believe them to be related but I'm at a lost for what to do.
Firstly, I am unable to drag and drop layers from my contents pane into the notebook. The layer name is read simply as a string and I'm unable to convert it to a sdf (same with dragging a table and trying to read csv to a df, etc) because of this.
Second, whenever I either drag and drop or fully type out file paths (have tried using os.path.join and double slashes when not dragging) that lead to items within a gdb, I am getting an error stating there is no such file or directory even when the file definitely exists. So there's no way I can access the items I need, either by file path or accessing via my contents pane.
I was able to succeed in using the drag and drop function to grab the necessary layers and convert to spatial data frames within the same notebook when I ran it in an instance of Pro on a remote desktop, but unfortunately I am unable to clone my environment on the desktop so I can't install the additional packages I need to run the rest of the script. This leads me to believe this is a problem either with my computer/instance of Pro or with my active cloned environment. My version of Pro is fully up to date as well.
my current modules are:
from arcgis.gis import GIS
from arcgis.features import GeoAccessor, GeoSeriesAccessor, FeatureLayer
from arcgis.geometry import project, SpatialReference
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import os
Any help is appreciated! Thank you!! Would be happy with any input from @Clubdebambos @EarlMedina 🙂