I'm trying to use ago to transfer a "Feature Service (Hosted)" from Online to Portal.
So I tried both from the publicly hosted version ->
ArcGIS Online Assistant
as well as my self hosted one (wanted to make sure that it's not a networking issue)
My first problem is that my ArcGIS Server timeouts if the Feature Service is big e.g. >30Mb.
I guess this might be related to my tomcat running the webadaptors and I will have to increase the POST request max size to fix it.
But where I'm really stuck is that for a smaller Feature service ago seems to work and reports success.
After that I can see my Feature Service both in my ArcGIS Portal as well as in my ArcGIS Server.
The problem is that when I go to the "Data" tab in portal I can see just the column names but no data in the rows.
Also my ArcGIS Server log shows:
SEVERE -- Error processing request Service Hosted/DEMO/FeatureServer not started -- Rest
Any clues?
Thank you
so my requirement is to deep copy and not create just references.
After trying many ways I had partial success with the clone_items function ->
arcgis.gis module — arcgis 1.7.0 documentation
data gets copied but now I encounter the following:
ERROR: Inconsistency in the Field Definitions found.
which causes the entire copy operation to roll back