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HISTORY of the Society for Conservation GIS Volunteers, Board & Founders ver2

06-17-2019 11:40 AM

HISTORY of the Society for Conservation GIS Volunteers, Board & Founders ver2

CONSERVATION GIS / SCGIS HISTORY PROJECT DOC #A ver2    xHistory xTTT xScholars xConference xScgis xConservation GIS Alliance

(- FIRST PUBLISHED in1997 on the then-new website 

-Updated and posted at in  2008 for 10 year anniversary,  arouind 2014 condensed to short summary. 

-significant updates in 2015 and addition of a summary timeline at  

-project moved to GEONET in 2018 and expanded significantly)



This is the first draft document in a project to try to build a more organized & readable history of Conservation GIS. It’s scope will go back to some of the first computerized resources mapping efforts on personal computers in the 1980’s and include the origins in Esri software and it’s Conservation GIS program in 1989.  Much of its content, including this first document, will focus on the Society for Conservation GIS, founded in 1997, but as this and many documents will show, had extensive antecedents in projects, programs and individuals through the preceding decade.


The style of this history will be focused on the individuals who contributed and their own stories about how they first found out about Conservation, about GIS and later about the Society for Conservation GIS (SCGIS).    The origins of this approach can be found in the detailed SCGIS Scholar Profiles and speaker proceedings that were begun in 2015 and can be retrieved at the following links: (Beginning of SCGIS members-only restricted access to proceedings, Scholar profiles open access)


This individual-focused approach is intended to include narrative and personal histories as much as presentations, work or publications.  This community in general, and SCGIS in particular, is a different kind of social organism, heavily dependent upon the passion and dedication of it’s all-volunteer staff and board.  What was lacking was a more formal, permanent way to honor and recognize the contributions and importance of those volunteers, along the lines of the scholar profiles.  More importantly, unlike traditional academic profiles of the sort found on Linkedin or Researchgate, it seemed appropriate that profiles about Conservation GIS volunteers in any endeavor include equal attention to the personal narratives. The origin of their interests in conservation and GIS and more visual materials showing their work and their map designs would help highlight the conservationists and activist aspects of their interests and work.  Traditional academic bios may frown on such material, but this community, and the SCGIS organization,  thrives because a small subset of the academic biology community are driven by a deep love of nature and a desire to protect it and care for it in these times of unprecedented danger and threat.  It is to these incredible individuals and all of the different ways they have contributed to and helped to create the field of Conservation GIS and the SCGIS organization that this project is dedicated.


Information and images used are drawn from many different sources, ranging from formal published SCGIS programs to draft materials and community email discussions where no formal materials existed.  The majority of the photographs are mine with some embarrassing gaps where I just missed out or cameras were lost.  For other photos original credit is given where known.  Edits were made to correct mistakes in emails or reports such as misspelled names.



The remaining documents planned for this project are as follows:

  1. Complete the rest of the estimated 400 Detailed profiles for every SCGIS International scholar from 2014 back to 1997, following the pattern of 2017. Expand upon and update 2015-2016 profiles where needed with current conservation-GIS publications, work & project chronologies, narrative accounts, articles, SCGIS reports, photos, filmed interviews, example maps, webmaps, storymaps and published databases


  1. Begin creating profiles on the estimated 2000 conservation GIS workers at many hundreds of NGO’s who I worked with or granted to over the years, including the Esri Conservation Program, our initial Tribal, Legal Aid and Land Trust grants programs, the Conservation Technology Support Program and SCGIS volunteers, committees and board members who have served since 1997. The goal will be to create the same level of coverage as with the scholars, but these may begin as much simpler entries whose further expansion will depend upon available time and the availability, interest and permission of the person profiled.


  1. Begin working on a systematic classification of the fundamental nature of conservation GIS work and the underlying conservation goals it serves. This classification, along with some very simple geolocation data, will be applied in an appropriate manner to all project and work descriptions in order to begin to understand the nature and scope of the on-the-ground impact that this community is having. (Projects dealing with sensitive resources including endangered species and Tribal sites & claims will be treated differently, subject to additional guidance and permissions.)  Surveys like this covering the SCGIS Scholars effort have been done internally twice before with a degree of success.  This will be the first attempt to open up this survey methodology and shared results to the entire Conservation GIS Community.  It’s primary goal will be to allow us to use GIS to become more informed and precise about the impact our community is having in the world, so that we might improve our future fundraising strategies and stories.



The individuals listed below who comprised the first SCGIS leadership in 1997 had already been meeting informally for many years, and their different ongoing threads of discussion set the template for the founding committees of SCGIS.  Therefore this document  begins in 1994 when the first official call for a meeting of conservation GIS users at the Esri User Conference went out, and the discussions that led to SCGIS began.  As an informal gathering, no formal records were taken in 1995.  1996 saw the rise of many others helping to organize this gathering.  The push for forming a new nonprofit group was coordinated by Sandra Coveny, who served well as an overall James Reserve meeting organizer in 1996.


The 1997  founding board was often called an "interim" board because 11-15 names were needed on the 501c3 incorporation documents that Tim Bechtold of Montana was preparing for us.  Once formed we then worried about the problem of board continuity and turnover, so in that first board a one-time only setup of staggered terms was established, in order to ensure that in any election, no more than 30% of the board would turn over.   Of course, as a new organization, many of these staggered terms changed later as people discovered for the first time what it was like serving in this capacity, with some dropping out early and others wishing to serve longer.  A point worth noting is that as a newly-created entity, the documentation and records about that chaotic time are similarly chaotic, with conflicting emails and often-varying statements about what was happening.  As much as possible their actual service is what is listed here.     This document stops at 2015 because that’s when more systematic and curated records of board service appear to have formally begun.   If permitted and appropriate they may be added to this document at a later version. 


SCGIS Creation & Antecedent  working groups (incl “Conservation GIS Alliance”  1994-1996)

1994: Creation of the Conservation GIS Alliance    source: 1994 Convis & Thacher emails and announcements

   First formal conservation GIS conference at James Reserve,  organized by Shaw Thacher & Charles Convis.  This new group chose the name “Conservation GIS Alliance” to help identify it’s activities over the next few year.

"The Conservation users are organizing a special user's  group meeting on Saturday and Sunday, May 21-22. This  meeting will be at the James Nature Reserve near Palm Springs  and is free and open to all… The purpose of this meeting is to get a better sense  of who we are as a general community of computer users and  how we are united by use of common tools like GIS, computers,  natural selection and a commitment to conservation ideals.  We would like to explore other ways to organize and  coordinate our mutual efforts so that we can become more  efficient in our work and more effective in obtaining the  sorts of support we need such as equipment and training.  This will be an informal meeting, with the following loose  agenda


1996 Final Meeting of the Conservation GIS Alliance    source: 1996 Convis emails

Final meeting of the “Conservation GIS Alliance” (CGA)  as at the 1997 summer meeting attendees unanimously approved becoming a formal nonprofit organization to be called “Society for Conservation GIS” and to elect a new board of directors in the months following. 

   Formal NGO creation & coordination: Sandra Coveny

  -CGA List and survey of conservation GIS people: Pat Kelly

  -CGA Conference Papers and Speakers: Sandra Coveny, Charles Convis

  -CGA Conference Scholarships & Funding: Bette Loiselle, Sandra Coveny,  Charles Convis

  -CGA Project Sharing Forum: Peter Morrison

  -CGA Conference Organizing: Leads Roberta Pickert, Sandra Coveny, Kai Snyder & Michael Hamilton, with help from Peter Kiriakos, Susan Snetsinger, Bill Bushing and Will Allen.

  -CGA Conference logistics & rides: Kai Snyder

  -CGA Vendor Committee:  Sara Moola, Will Allen

  -CGA Conservation Program Users Booth at ESRI Conference: Charles Convis



1997-1998  source: 1997 annual report published in May 1998 and covering the 1997 year activities and first conference.  The report was written by Gillian Bowser, Roberta Pickert & Sandra Coveny.  A Secondary source was the draft and final Articles of Incorporation that Tim Bechtold oversaw in July 1997. The years listed in parentheses after each name were the agreed term for that person, ranging from 1-3 years.  The standard board term was 3 years but we needed to avoid having everyone term out simultaneously 3 years later, so a system of staggered terms at the start was adopted, though not always followed, that’s why you’ll see some terms changing midstream and some names show up for more than 3 years, as the board voted in situations requiring it)


President 1997-1998  Gillian Bowser, MS, National Park Service DC (board term 1997-1999)

Vice President 1997-1998    Cheryl Crupi, Conservation Fund VA  (board term 1997-1998)

Treasurer 1997-1999     Roberta Pickert, Archbold Biological Station FL (board term 1997-2000)

Secretary 1997-1999    Kai Snyder, Terra Geographics, CA (board term 1997-1999)

Charles Convis, Esri CA (1997-1998)

Easy, Inland Empire Public Lands Council, WA (1997-1999)

Leslie Backus, Archbold Biological Station FL (1997-2000)

Michael Hamilton, UC James Reserve CA (1997-1998)

Peter Morrison, Pacific Biodiversity Inst WA (1997-1998)

Steve Beckwitt, Sierra Biodiversity Inst CA (1997-1998)

Sandra Coveny, Oregon Coast Range Association OR (1997-2000)

John Mangiameli, The Ecology Center MT (1997-1999)

Tim Bechtold, The Ecology Center, MT (1997-1998)

Will Allen, Conservation Fund VA (1997-2000)



1998-1999  source: 1998 Convis emails & documents

1998-1999  Board of Directors

Co-President   Sandra Coveny, Oregon Coast Range Association OR (1997-2000)

Co-President   Will Allen, Conservation Fund VA (1997-2000)

Vice President   Cheryl Crupi, Conservation Fund VA  (1997-1998)

Treasurer    Roberta Pickert, Archbold Biological Station FL (1997-2000)

Secretary   Kai Snyder, Terra Geographics, CA (1997-1998)

Gillian Bowser, MS, National Park Service DC (1997-1999)

Charles Convis, Esri CA (1997-1998)

Easy, Inland Empire Public Lands Council, WA (1997-1999)

Leslie Backus, Archbold Biological Station FL (1997-2000)

Michael Hamilton, UC James Reserve CA (1997-1998)

Peter Morrison, Pacific Biodiversity Inst WA (1997-1998)

Steve Beckwitt, Sierra Biodiversity Inst CA (1997-1998)

Sandra Coveny, Oregon Coast Range Association OR (1997-2000)

John Mangiameli, The Ecology Center MT (1997-1999)

Tim Bechtold, The Ecology Center, MT (1997-1998)

Will Allen, Conservation Fund VA (1997-1999)



1998-1999  Committees 

Conference Committee:  Michael Hamilton, Peter Kiriakos,  Roberta Pickert, Susan Snetsinger, Peter Morrison, Sandra Coveny, Bill Bushing, Will Allen.




1999-2000 source, hardcopy 2000 conf program & strategic plan docs)

1999-2000  Board of Directors

President - Michelle Gudorf (1999-2002)

Vice President - Gene Martin

Treasurer - Sandra Coveny (1997-2000)

Secretary - Will Allen  The Conservation Fund, US (1997-2000)

Christina Casado  Missouri Botanical Garden, US

Eric Treml TPMC at NOAA Coastal Services Center, US (1999-2002)

Eugene Martin CommEn Space, US (1999-2002)

Gillian Bowser  Joshua Tree National Park, US

Hugh Irwin Southern Appalachian Forest Coalition, US (1999-2002)

Joe Breman  University of Haifa, Israel  (1999-2002)

Karen Willett Wildlife Conservation Society, US (1999-2002)

Kent Cassels  World Conservation Monitoring Centre, UK

Laurie Williams San Diego State University, US (1999-2002)

Leslie Backus Chambers Group  USA

Michelle Gudorf  National Park Service, US

Nick Rollings  University of New England, Australia

Prashant Hedao  ESRI, US

Peter Schlesinger Woods Hole Research Center, US (1999-2002)

Roberta L. Pickert Archbold Biological Station, US (1997-2000)


1999-2000  Advisory Council 

Financial Controller: Sandra Coveny Marys River Watershed Council 

Steve Beckwitt Sierra Biodiversity Institute 

Peter H. Morrison Pacific Biodiversity Institute 

Charles Convis ESRI

Michael Hamilton James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve 

Kai Snyder Oregon State University


1999-2000  Committees 

Email Listserve and Web Site:     Email/Listserve: Peter August

   Web Czar (1999 - 2000): Michael Hamilton.  No other members/volunteers.

Communications Chair:  Charles Convis, SCGIS Newsletter Editor in Chief

   MEMBERS:  Zach Schwartz, Eric Treml, Kai Snyder, Prashant Hedao,  John Whitman, Erik Franklin, Andrew Briggs, Michael Hamilton

Peer Review Chair: Will Allen & Paul Zwick

  MEMBERS:  Charles Convis, Kai Snyder, Sandra Coveny, Cheryl L. Crupi,

Conference Committee Chair:  Gillian Bowser & Michelle Gudorf

   MEMBERS:  Christina Casado  Will Allen

Outreach and Training Chair: Wes Wettengel

   MEMBERS:   Elanor Sterling ,American Museum of Natural History

Bill Bushing , Catalina Island Conservancy

Wesley Wettengel ,World Wildlife Fund

Karen Willett  ,Wildlife Conservation Society

Marcia McNiff  ,USFWS

Will Allen ,  The Conservation Fund

Kent Cassels , World Consrvation Monitoring


Kevin Petrik , University of Colorado

Marion Cayetano , Jaguar Creek Environmental Center

Eugene Martin ,  Commen Space

Eric Sanderson , Wildlife Conservation Society

Prashant Hedao,  ESRI

Charles Convis , ESRI

Leslie Backus , Chambers Group

Holly Strand,  World Wildlife Fund


Fundraising Committee Chair (1999 - 2000): Joe Breman

   Members: Sandra Coveny

Membership Committee Chair (1999 - 2000): _________________________,

   no members

International Committee Chair:  Roberta Pickert, Archbold Biological Station

Members:   Steven Beckwitt, David Favero, Alexander Yumakaev, Carlos Scaramuzza, Timothy Bechtold, William Haskins, Roger Lazaro, Charles Convis, Shawn Powell, Bruce Potter, Eric Treml, Zach Schwartz, Michael Beltz, David Askov, Sheila Balsdon, Roi Evron, Muhammed Salman Ashraf, Lucy Chege-Waruingi, Fabio Corsi, Alex de Sherbinan, Olga Hernandez, Mark Nicholson, Jonathan Rhind, Dagmar Scholle, Bettina Weber, David Woods, Kent Cassels, Van Hare, Rebecca Cull, Ann Rodman, Anne Orlando, Prashant Hedao, Dr. Thomas Blaschke, David Blumberg, Doug & Elizabeth Comer, Tom Poiker, Stuart Sheppard, Erin Bohensky, Cesar Guevara, Chris Watson, Mary Kneeland, Kristen Funk, John Andrews, John Kioko, Hector Lopez-Rojas, Tracy Katelman, Joseph Breman, Lisa Pierce, Darrel Zell, Ted Cheeseman, Kenneth Vance-Borland, Daniel Cole, Christine Ambrose, Marion Cayetano, Ronan Kirsch, Andy Weiss, Maud Sandbo, Lalaina Razafimbololona, Stefan Fina, Andres Moreira-Munoz, Luis Gomez-Navia, Alejandro Oyaneder, Nelson Sanchez Oyarzo, Eleanor Sterling, Elizabeth Hill, Barry Baker, Jonathan Doig, Joe Breman, Carlos Carroll,


Strategic Planning Ad Hoc working group  Will Allen, Charles Convis, Kai Snyder, Mike Hamilton, Peter Morrison, Steve Beckwitt, Robert Arenz, Bill Ferguson, Chris Davis, Mike Beltz.




2000-2001 (from hardcopy 2001 conf program)

2000-2001  Board of Directors

President   Eric Treml 

Vice President  Joe Breman 

Treasurer  Karen Willett 

Secretary Michelle Gudorf 

Prashant Hedao  ESRI

Tim Reed San Francisco State University 

Renee Sieber McGill University  Canada


Advisory Council 

Financial Controller: Sandra Coveny, Oregon (2001 domestic scholar)

Leslie Backus Chambers Group 

Steve Beckwitt Sierra Biodiversity Institute 

Peter H. Morrison Pacific Biodiversity Institute 

Charles Convis ESRI

Peter Schlesinger 

Michael Hamilton James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve 

Roberta Pickert Archbold Biological Station 

Kai Snyder Oregon State University




2001-2002 (from hardcopy 2002 conf program)

2000-2001  Board of Directors

President   Eric Treml 

Vice President - Joe Breman 

Treasurer  Karen Willett 

Secretary Michael Beltz 

Frank Biasi, TNC

Lizz Wandag, Philippines  Scholar 2001

Tim Reed San Francisco State University 

Renee Sieber McGill University  Canada


Advisory Council 

Financial Controller: Sandra Coveny Marys River Watershed Council  (2001 domestic scholar)

Leslie Backus Chambers Group 

Steve Beckwitt Sierra Biodiversity Institute 

Peter H. Morrison Pacific Biodiversity Institute 

Charles Convis ESRI

Peter Schlesinger 

Michael Hamilton James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve 

Roberta Pickert Archbold Biological Station 

Kai Snyder Oregon State University





2002-2003 (from 2003 letterhead)

2002-2003  Board of Directors

President   Michael Beltz, The Ecology Center 

Vice President  Lizz Wandag, Philippines 

Treasurer  Kristin Barker, NatureServe 

Secretary Dick Cameron, GreenInfo Network 

Frank Biasi  The Nature Conservancy 

Tim Reed San Francisco State University 

Renee Sieber McGill University Canada

Eric Treml Duke University  

Chuks Ossai Nigeria 


Advisory Council 

Leslie Backus Chambers Group 

Steve Beckwitt Sierra Biodiversity Institute 

Joe Breman ESRI

Charles Convis ESRI

Sandra Coveny Marys River Watershed Council  (2001 domestic scholar)

Michelle Gudorf 

Prashant Hedao  ESRI

Michael Hamilton James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve 

Roberta Pickert Archbold Biological Station 

Kai Snyder Oregon State University


Membership Committee: Danielle Hopkins, ESRI

Strategic Plan Committee: Joe Breman, Eric Treml,  Scott Lamorte

Fundraising Committee Dave Neufeld LLC

Chair, Domestic Chapter Committee  Laura Pinnas


2003-2004 (from 2004 letterhead)

2003-2004 Board of Directors

Co-President  Frank Biasi  The Nature Conservancy  USA

Co-President  Dick Cameron  The Nature Conservancy  USA

Vice President  Scott Lamorte, Trees Foundation USA

Treasurer  Kristin Barker, NatureServe  USA

Secretary  Bo Wilmer, The Wilderness Society  USA

Michael Beltz  The Ecology Center USA

Lisa Pierce  Cal. State Univ., San Bernardino   USA

Tim Reed  San Francisco State University  USA

Drew Stephens  Allpoints GIS  USA

Lizz Wandag   Palawan State University  Philippines

Chuks Ossai  Poverty Alleviation Crusaders  Nigeria


Advisory Council

Leslie Backus   Chambers Group

Steve Beckwitt   Sierra Biodiversity Institute

Joe Breman   ESRI

Charles Convis  ESRI

Sandra Coveny   Marys River Watershed Council (2001 domestic scholar)

Michelle Gudorf

Michael Hamilton   James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve

Prashant Hedao  ESRI

Roberta Pickert    Archbold Biological Station

Kai Snyder   E&S Environmental


Board Elections Email  2003 Jul 03 .  the bylaws state that a term is for three years.  that being the case, here are the list of current board members and the date of their term.  in addition to renee's seat, we are adding another board member entirely here's the list-

  1. Renee Sieber 2003
  2. Scott Lamorte 2004
  3. Tim Reed 2004
  4. Mike Beltz 2004
  5. Lizz Wandag 2004
  6. Frank Biasi 2004
  7. Augustine Chuks Ossai 2005
  8. Kristin Barker 2005
  9. Dick Cameron 2005
  10. Scott Lamorte 2004 (appointed to one year term to replace eric treml)
  11. available


Comms Committee: Yolanda Wiersma, Chair



2004-2005 (from 2005  letterhead)

2004-2005 Board of Directors

President   Rankin Holmes, Big Sky Conservation Inst.  USA

Vice President   Lisa Pierce,  Cal. State Univ., San Bernardino   USA

Treasurer   Anna Kopitov, The Nature Conservancy  USA

Secretary   Drew Stephens, Allpoints GIS   USA

Michael Beltz  The Ecology Center USA

Tim Reed   San Francisco State University  USA

Lizz Wandag  Palawan State University  Philippines

Chuks Ossai  Poverty Alleviation Crusaders  Nigeria


2004-2005 Advisory Council

Leslie Backus   Chambers Group

Steve Beckwitt   Sierra Biodiversity Institute

Joe Breman   ESRI

Charles Convis  ESRI

Sandra Coveny   Marys River Watershed Council (2001 domestic scholar)

Michelle Gudorf

Michael Hamilton   James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve

Prashant Hedao  ESRI

Roberta Pickert    Archbold Biological Station

Kai Snyder   E&S Environmental


2005-2006 from 2005-6 emails

2005-2006  Board of Directors

President   Rankin Holmes, Big Sky Conservation Inst.  USA

Vice President   Lisa Pierce,  Trees Foundation  USA

Treasurer   Kristin Barker, Natureserve, USA

Secretary   Drew Stephens, Allpoints GIS   USA

Dick Cameron, TNC

Lata Iyer, India

Sasha Yumakaev

Danielle Hopkins

Susan Miller  (2000 domestic scholar)


Committee Chairs (source only identified as chairs, not which committee)

Steve Beckwitt

Frank Biasi

Dick Cameron

Mike Hamilton

Fundraising Committee:  Joe Breman (2000 domestic scholar)

International networks:  Prashant Hedao

International:  Roberta Pickert, Karen Willett,  Leslie Backus

Membership Committee: Danielle Hopkins, ESRI


2005-2006 Advisory Council

Leslie Backus   Chambers Group

Steve Beckwitt   Sierra Biodiversity Institute

Joe Breman   ESRI

Charles Convis  ESRI

Karen Willett 

Sandra Coveny   Marys River Watershed Council (2001 domestic scholar)

Michelle Gudorf

Michael Hamilton   James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve

Prashant Hedao  ESRI

Roberta Pickert    Archbold Biological Station

Kai Snyder   E&S Environmental



2006-2007 from 2007 agenda pdf

Board of Directors

President   Lata Iyer Auroville Tsunami Relief Effort India

Vice President   Mark van Bakel Mark the Spot GIS Services Canada

Treasurer   Karl Keough Protected Areas Association of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Secretary   Rankin Holmes Big Sky Conservation Institute USA

Alexander Yumakaev ESRI USA

Lisa Pierce Water Resources Institute USA

Lucy Chege-Waruingi African Conservation Centre Kenya, 1998 scholar

Lynn Kutner NatureServe USA

Michelle Kinzel Oregon State University USA (2002 domestic scholar)

Susan Miller The Nature Conservancy USA (2000 domestic scholar)


SCGIS Committee Chairs

Conference Committee Susan Miller The Nature Conservancy (2000 domestic scholar)

Communications Committee

    E-newsletter Editor Miguel Garriga  Geographic Systems LLC

   August Froehlich The Nature Conservancy

    Newsletter Editor-in-Chief of Conservation Geography Charles Convis  ESRI

Fund-raising   Dave Neufeld geoVelocity

International Networks Prashant Hedao,  Lata Iyer

Membership Danielle Hopkins ESRI

Merchandise Vacant

Outreach and Training Lisa Pierce  Water Resources Institute

Scholarships Domestic Miriam Schmidts ESRI

International Alexander Yumakaev and  Charles Convis ESRI,

Web Site Tom Robinson Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation & Open Space District

Listserve Administrator Peter August


2007-2008 from 2008 agenda pdf

Board of Directors 2007–2008

President Mark van Bakel   Mark the Spot GIS Services Canada

Vice President  Rankin Holmes Montana Water Trust USA

Treasurer  Karl Keough Protected Areas Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Canada

Secretary  Lisa Pierce Water Resources Institute USA

Alexander Yumakaev Member ESRI USA

Lata Iyer Member Water Resources Institute USA

Lucy Chege-Waruingi Member African Conservation Centre Kenya 1998 scholar

Lynn Kutner Member NatureServe USA

Michelle Kinzel Member Oregon State University USA (2002 domestic scholar)

Susan Miller MemberT he Nature Conservancy USA (2000 domestic scholar)


SCGIS Advisory Council 2007-2008

Leslie Backus Chambers Group, Inc.

Steve Beckwitt  Sierra Biodiversity Institute

Joe Bremen  University of Hawaii

Anna Barashkova Siberian Environmental Center

Charles Convis  ESRI Conservation Program

Sandra Coveny  Marys River Watershed Council

Michelle Gudorf  Vermont Association of Conservation Districts

Michael Hamilton  James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve, University of California Natural Reserve System

Prashant Hedao Auroville Tsunami Relief Effort

Roberta Pickert Archbold Biological Station   Florida

Kai Snyder  E&S Environmental


Scgis Committee Chairs & Descriptions 2007–2008

Data Access Committee Chair: Hugh Irwin  Purpose: The primary objective is to handle the broad issues of data access: how and where conservation groups can share their data and metadata, and how they can gain access to other available data. This will involve education addressing metadata development and distribution among data clearinghouses, and data management.


Domestic Chapters Committee Chair: John A. Young  Purpose: The purpose is to facilitate the creation of local SCGIS chapters in the United States that support the mission of SCGIS. We are starting with 5 pilot chapters in Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Utah and Washington DC


Domestic Scholarship Committee Chair: Miriam Schmidts  Purpose: The primary objective of the Domestic Scholarship Committee is to foster communication and networking among conservationists through a well defined scholarship program. Funding from this program will be distributed to residents within the USA and limited to covering the costs of SCGIS conference registration fees and to assist with lodging/food expenses incurred during the SCGIS conference


Communications Committee Chair: August Froehlich  E-newsletter Editor: Miguel Garriga  Newsletter Editor-in-Chief of Conservation Geography:  Charles Convis Purpose: The Communications Committee is responsible for the coordination of all official correspondence to/from SCGIS and comunication tasks which lie outside the scope of other committees. Examples include; handling formal requests to/from other societies; insuring consistency between and within the SCGIS newsletter, brochures, announcements, and Web site; handling or routing all requests from members directed to the Society; and assisting in Newsletter development, under the direction of the Newsletter Editor in Chief.


Conference Committee Chair: Gillian Woolmer Purpose: Assigned the goal of hosting the annual conference to promote information exchange and to develop network of expertise to support conservation efforts worldwide. Charged with the task of coordinating the conference as specified in the SCGIS Strategic Plan, 1999-2004. The committee chairperson will report to board of directors with details requiring vote (site selection), keeps other committees informed that rely on relative information, and report monthly to treasurer. The treasurer will review and sign any negotiated contracts.


Fundraising Chair: Dave Neufeld  Purpose: Charged with the task/goals of expanding SCGIS membership (and monetary base) through marketing plans, writing proposals, and fundraising, and with recovering the costs of the newsletter through advertisements by the year 2004. Additionally, with conducting an SCGIS user community assessment identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in 1999, as specified in the SCGIS Strategic Plan, 1999-2004.


International Committee Chair: Charles Convis  Purpose: This committee is strongly tied to the primary mission and goals of the Society, as evident by the presence of a worldwide focus. The primary objectives of the International Committee is to foster communication and networking among conservationist through a well defined scholarship program, the development and support of regional groups, the creation of reverse scholarship programs, training and technical support programs, and a number of other activities. An international mentoring program may be an additional focus of this committee. The International Committee has, historically, been the largest of the SCGIS Standing Committees, currently exceeding 40 volunteer committee members.


International Networks Committee Co-Chairs: Prashant Hedao  and Lata Iyer Purpose: The purpose is to facilitate, support and assist in the creation of local in-country SCGIS Chapters or Conservation GIS Users Networks and help them become self-sustainable.  Currently we have very successful SCGIS chapters going on in Russia and Madagascar, and an informal network going on in Chile.  We are currently working on forming networks in Colombia, Kenya and Philippines and Cameroon.  We also collaborate with other similar networks and organizations already doing conservation work in various countries.


Membership Committee Chair: Danielle Hopkins  Purpose: Charged with the task of administering all memberships (new and old) as specified in the SCGIS Strategic Plan, 1999-2004. Activities include developing and distributing a new member packet, maintaining the membership database, and addressing any membership issues that may arise. In addition, the committee will mail the SCGIS newsletter to new members and current members who didn’t attend the annual conference. The Committee Chair will work closely with the treasurer.


Web Site Committee Chair: Tom Robinson  Listserve Administrator: Peter August Purpose: This committee is responsible for the management and function of the SCGIS Listserv (CONSGIS, SCGIS, SCGISBD) and Website (www. The Email Administrator and Webczar are the technical contacts for maintenance and updates. It is the duty and obligation of this committee to insure that all information representing SCGIS is accurate and has the blessing of the SCGIS Board of Directors. Members of this committee are responsible for developing content, assisting in maintenance, and any other technical or conceptual tasks deemed worthy.


2008-2009 from 2009 agenda pdf

The board of directors is the governing body of SCGIS. The board is responsible for steering the society and has all final decision-making authority for the society. Members of the board of directors are elected every three years. Once a complete board is elected, members of the board elect the president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. Officers are in office for one year. Elections usually occur after the annual conference.

President Michelle Kinzel Oregon State University, USA  (2002 domestic scholar)

Vice President Rankin Holmes Montana Water Trust, USA

Treasurer Karl Keough GIS and 3D Visualization Services, Canada

Secretary Lisa Pierce Water Resources Institute, USA

Sasha Yumakaev ESRI, USA

Lata Iyer Auroville Tsunami Relief Effort, India

Lucy Chege-Waruingi African Conservation Centre, Kenya 1998 scholar

Lynn Kutner NatureServe, USA

Mark van Bakel Islands Trust, Canada

Susan Miller The Nature Conservancy, USA (2000 domestic scholar)


Advisory Council

Leslie Backus Chambers Group, Inc.,   Steve Beckwitt Sierra Biodiversity Institute, Joe Bremen University of Hawaii , Charles Convis ESRI Conservation Program, Sandra Coveny Marys River Watershed Council,  Michelle Gudorf Vermont Association of Conservation Districts,  Michael Hamilton James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve University of California Natural Reserve System,  Prashant Hedao Auroville Tsunami Relief Effort,   Roberta Pickert Archbold Biological Station,   Kai Snyder E&S Environmental


Scgis Committee Chairs & Descriptions 2008–2009

Domestic Chapters Committee Chair: Position Open Purpose: The purpose is to facilitate the creation of local SCGIS chapters in the United States that support the mission of SCGIS. We are starting with five pilot chapters in Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Utah, and Washington, D.C.


Domestic Scholarship Committee Chair: Miriam Schmidts Purpose: The primary objective of the Domestic Scholarship Committee is to foster communication and networking among conservationists through a welldefined scholarship program. Funding from this program will be distributed to residents within the USA and limited to covering the costs of SCGIS Conference registration fees and to assist with lodging/food expenses incurred during the SCGIS Conference.


Communications Committee Chair: Position Open E-newsletter Editor: Miguel Garriga Newsletter Editor-in-Chief of Conservation Geography: Charles Convis Purpose: The Communications Committee is responsible for the coordination of all official correspondence to/from SCGIS and communication tasks that lie outside the scope of other committees. Examples include handling formal requests to/from other societies; ensuring consistency between and within the SCGIS newsletter, brochures, announcements, and Web site; handling or routing all requests from members directed to the society; and assisting in newsletter development, under the direction of the newsletter editor in chief.


Conference Committee Chair: Gillian Woolmer Purpose: This committee is assigned to host the annual conference to promote information exchange and develop a network of expertise for supporting conservation efforts worldwide. It is also charged with the task of coordinating the conference as specified in the SCGIS Strategic Plan, 1999–2004. The committee chairperson will report to the board of directors with details requiring vote (site selection), keep other committees informed and report monthly to the treasurer. The treasurer will review and sign any negotiated contracts.


Fund-Raising Chair: Eric Sandoval Purpose: This committee is charged with the task/goals of expanding SCGIS membership (and monetary base) through marketing plans, writing proposals, fundraising, and with recovering the costs of the newsletter through advertisements by the year 2004. Additionally, the committee is responsible for conducting an SCGIS user community assessment identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in 1999, as specified in the SCGIS Strategic Plan, 1999–2004.


International Committee Chairs: Charles Convis and Sasha Yumakaev Purpose: This committee is strongly tied to the primary mission and goals of the society, as evidenced by the presence of a worldwide focus. The primary objectives of the International Committee are to foster communication and networking among conservationists through a well-defined scholarship program; to develop and support regional groups; and to create reverse scholarship programs, training and technical support programs, and a number of other activities. An international mentoring program may be an additional focus of this committee. The International Committee has, historically, been the largest of the SCGIS standing committees, currently exceeding 40 volunteer committee members.


International Networks Committee Chairs: Prashant Hedao and Lata Iyer Purpose: The purpose of this committee is to facilitate, support, and assist in the creation of local in-country SCGIS chapters or conservation GIS users networks and help them become self-sustainable. Currently, there are very successful SCGIS chapters established in Russia and Madagascar and an informal network in Chile. The committee is currently working on forming networks in Colombia, Kenya, Philippines, and Cameroon. It also collaborates with other similar networks and organizations already doing conservation work in various countries.


Membership Committee  Chair: Position Open    Database Administrator: Marcelle Caturia Purpose: Charged with the task of administering all memberships (new and old) as specified in the SCGIS Strategic Plan, 1999–2004. Activities include developing and distributing a new member packet, maintaining the membership database, and addressing any membership issues that may arise. In addition, the committee will mail the SCGIS newsletter to new members and current members who didn’t attend the annual conference. The committee chair will work closely with the treasurer.


Web Site Committee Chair: Tom Robinson Programming and Database Support: Bryan Baker and Marcelle Caturia Listserv Administrator: Peter August Purpose: This committee is responsible for the management and function of the SCGIS Listserv (CONSGIS, SCGIS, SCGISBD) and Web site ( The e-mail administrator and Web czar are the technical contacts for maintenance and updates. It is the duty and obligation of this committee to ensure that all information representing SCGIS is accurate and has the blessing of the SCGIS Board of Directors. Members of this committee are responsible for developing content and assisting in maintenance and any other technical or conceptual tasks deemed worthy.


Acknowledgments The 2009 SCGIS Conference would not have been possible without the efforts of a great many individuals. It is impossible to acknowledge everyone who has played a role in making this conference happen, as so many have contributed; however, there are a few people that we feel require special recognition. First we would like to send special thanks to Pingkham Rattanababpha and her team at ESRI who have provided extensive organization and logistical support for this year’s event. We would like to thank Kay Sadighi who provided extensive support preparing the conference schedule. Huge thanks go to the fabulous folks of the SCGIS Web team—Tom Robinson, Bryan Baker, and Marcelle Caturia. They provided constant and reliable support throughout. They kept the conference Web site up-to-date and all the online registrations working. Finally, we need to thank Lisa Pierce, who went to great personal effort to ensure that we had a venue for this year’s conference. Thank you, everyone.


2009-2010 from 2010 agenda pdf

SCGIS Board of Directors 2009-2010

The board of directors is the governing body of SCGIS. The board is responsible for steering the society and has all final decision-making authority. Members of the board of directors are elected every three years. Once a complete board is elected, members of the board elect the president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. Officers are in office for one year. Elections usually occur after the annual conference.

President Robert Rose, Wildlife Conservation Society, USA

Vice President Gillian Woolmer, Wildlife Conservation Society, Canada

Treasurer Karen Beardsley, University of California, USA

Secretary Lisa Pierce, San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District, USA

Board Members: Lucy Waruingi, African Conservation Centre, Kenya 1998 scholar

Mike Engels International Crane Foundation, USA

Lata Iyer Auroville, India

Susan Miller The Nature Conservancy, USA (2000 domestic scholar)

John Schaeffer Juniper GIS, USA


Advisory Council 2009-2010:  Leslie Backus Chambers Group, Inc.,  Steve Beckwitt Sierra Biodiversity Institute,  Joe Bremen University of Hawaii , Charles Convis ESRI Conservation Program,  Sandra Coveny Marys River Watershed Council,   Michelle Gudorf Vermont Association of Conservation Districts,   Michael Hamilton James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve, University of California Natural Reserve System,   Prashant Hedao Auroville Tsunami Relief Effort,  Roberta Pickert Archbold Biological Station,  Kai Snyder E&S Environmental,  Mark van Bakel Islands Trust.


SCGIS Committees 2009-2010

Domestic Chapters Committee Purpose: The purpose of the committee is to facilitate the creation of local SCGIS chapters in the United States that support the mission of SCGIS. Chair: Position Open


Domestic Scholarship Committee Chair: Miriam Schmidts   Purpose: The primary objective of the Domestic Scholarship Committee is to foster communication and networking among conservationists through a well-defined scholarship program. Funding from this program will be distributed to residents within the United States and limited to covering the costs of SCGIS conference registration fees and assisting with lodging/food expenses incurred during the SCGIS conference.


Communications Committee Chair: Position Open    Purpose: The Communications Committee is responsible for the coordination of all official correspondence to/from SCGIS and communication tasks that lie outside the scope of other committees. Examples include handling formal requests to/from other societies; ensuring consistency between and within the SCGIS newsletter, brochures, announcements, and Web site; handling or routing all requests from members directed to the society; and assisting in newsletter development under the direction of the newsletter editor in chief.


Conference Committee Chair: Gillian Woolmer   Purpose: The group is assigned the goal of hosting the annual conference to promote information exchange and to develop a network of experts to support conservation efforts worldwide. It is charged with the task of coordinating the conference as specified in the SCGIS Strategic Plan, 1999–2004. The committee chairperson will report to the board of directors with details requiring a vote (site selection), keep other committees informed that rely on relative information, and report monthly to the treasurer. The treasurer will review and sign any negotiated contracts.


Fund-raising Chair: Eric Sandoval   Purpose: This group is charged with the task/goals of expanding SCGIS membership (and monetary base) through marketing plans, writing proposals, and fund-raising and recovering the costs of the newsletter through advertisements by the year 2004. Additionally, it conducts an SCGIS user community assessment identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as specified in the SCGIS Strategic Plan, 1999–2004. Chair: Eric Sandoval


International Committee Chair(s): Charles Convis and Sasha Yumakaev    Purpose: This committee is strongly tied to the primary mission and goals of the society, evidenced by the presence of a worldwide focus. The primary objectives of the International Committee is to foster communication and networking among conservationists through a well-defined scholarship program, the development and support of regional groups, the creation of reverse scholarship programs, training and technical support programs, and a number of other activities. An international mentoring program may be an additional focus of this committee. The International Committee has, historically, been the largest of the SCGIS standing committees, currently exceeding 40 volunteer committee members.


International Networks Committee . Cochairs: Prashant Hedao and Lata Iyer    Purpose: The purpose of this committee is to facilitate, support, and assist in the creation of local in-country SCGIS chapters or Conservation GIS user networks and help them become selfsustainable. Currently, we have very successful SCGIS chapters in Russia and Madagascar and an informal network in Chile. We are currently working on forming networks in Colombia, Kenya, the Philippines, and Cameroon. We also collaborate with other similar networks and organizations already doing conservation work in various countries


Membership Committee Chair: Position Open Database Administrator: Marcelle Caturia   Purpose: This group is charged with the task of administering all memberships (new and old) as specified in the SCGIS Strategic Plan, 1999–2004. Activities include developing and distributing a new member packet, maintaining the membership database, and addressing any membership issues that may arise. In addition, the committee will mail the SCGIS newsletter to new members and current members who don’t attend the annual conference. The committee chair will work closely with the treasurer.


Web Site Committee Chair: Kim Fisher.   Programming and Database Support: Bryan Baker and Marcelle Caturia.   Listserve Administrator: Peter August   Purpose: This committee is responsible for the management and function of the SCGIS Listserv (CONSGIS, SCGIS, SCGISBD) and Web site ( The e-mail administrator and Web czar are the technical contacts for maintenance and updates. It is the duty and obligation of this committee to ensure that all information representing SCGIS is accurate and has the approval of the SCGIS board of directors. Members of this committee are responsible for developing content, assisting in maintenance, and any other technical or conceptual tasks deemed necessary.


Acknowledgments The 2010 SCGIS Conference would not have been possible without the efforts of a great many individuals. It is impossible to acknowledge everyone that has played a role in making this conference happen, as so many have contributed; however, there are a few people that we feel require special recognition. First, we would like to send special thanks to Pingkham Rattanababpha and her team at ESRI who have provided extensive organization and logistical support for this year’s event. We would like to thank Nanette Bragin who provided support preparing the conference schedule. Huge thanks go to the fabulous folks of the SCGIS Web team—Tom Robinson, Kim Fisher, Bryan Baker, and Marcelle Caturia. They provided constant and reliable support throughout. They kept the conference Web site up-to-date and all the online registrations working. And thank you to Paul Mirangelpo for taking on the auction for the first time. Thank you, everyone.



2010-2011 from 2011 agenda pdf

SCGIS Board of Directors 2010-2011

President Robert Rose  Wildlife Conservation Society, USA

Vice President Mike Engels  International Crane Foundation, USA

Treasurer Gillian Woolmer  Wildlife Conservation Society, Canada

Secretary Lisa Pierce  San Bernardino Valley Water  Conservation District, USA

Karen Beardsley  Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis, USA

Lucy Waruingi  African Conservation Centre, Kenya 1998 scholar

Lata Iyer  Auroville, India

Susan Miller  The Nature Conservancy, USA (2000 domestic scholar)

John Schaeffer Juniper GIS, USA



Advisory Council 2010-2011:    Leslie Backus, Chrysalis Biology, USA,  Steve Beckwitt, Sierra Biodiversity Institute,  Joe Bremen, University of Hawaii,  Charles Convis, Esri Conservation Program,  Sandra Coveny, PC Trask and Associates,  Michelle Gudorf, Vermont Association of Conservation Districts,  Michael Hamilton, Blue Oak Ranch Reserve, University of California at Berkeley,  Prashant Hedao, Auroville Tsunami Relief Effort, India/Esri Conservation Program,  Roberta Pickert, Archbold Biological Station,  Kai Snyder, E&S Environmental


SCGIS Committees 2010-2011  (descriptions included only if changed)

Communications Committee. Chair: August Froelich E-newsletter Editor: Miguel Garriga Newsletter Editor-in-Chief of Conservation Geography: Charles Convis

Conference Committee Co-chairs: Carolyn Hughes and Kurt Menke

Domestic Access Committee Chair: Hugh Irwin

Domestic Chapters Committee Chair: Vacant   Purpose: The purpose is to facilitate the creation of local SCGIS chapters in the United States that support the mission of SCGIS. We are starting with five pilot chapters in Arizona; Colorado; Hawaii; Utah; and Washington, D.C.

Fund-raising Chair: Dave Neufeld

International Committee Chair: Charles Convis

International Networks Committee   Cochairs: Prashant Hedao and Lata Iyer

Membership Committee  Chair: Vacant Database Administrator: Marcelle Caturia

Website Committee Chair: Kim Fisher Test Engineer: Marcelle Caturia Web Developer: Bryan Baker Listserv Administrator: Peter August


2011-2012 from 2012 agenda pdf

Board of Directors 2011  2012 

President  Dr. Rob Rose, Wildlife Conservation Society USA

Vice President  Mike Engels,  International Crane Foundation USA

Secretary   Eric SandovalSandoval & Associates,  Consulting Services, LLC  USA

Treasurer Gillian Woolmer,   Wildlife Conservation Society  Canada

Karen Beardsley,  Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis USA

Lucy Chege-Waruingi,  African Conservation Centre   Kenya 1998 scholar

Lata Iyer  Auroville, India

Paul Angelino,   The Nature Conservancy  USA

John Schaeffer,  Juniper GIS   USA

Healy Hamilton California Academy of Sciences, USA


Advisory Council 2011  2012:    Leslie Backus, Chrysalis Biology, USA,  Steve Beckwitt, Sierra Biodiversity Institute,  Joe Bremen, University of Hawaii,  Charles Convis, Esri Conservation Program,  Sandra Coveny, PC Trask and Associates,  Michelle Gudorf, Vermont Association of Conservation Districts,  Michael Hamilton, Blue Oak Ranch Reserve, University of California at Berkeley,  Prashant Hedao, Auroville Tsunami Relief Effort, India/Esri Conservation Program,  Roberta Pickert, Archbold Biological Station,  Kai Snyder, E&S Environmental, Susan Miller, The Nature Conservancy, Lisa Pierce, San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District, Alexander Yumakaev, Esri Conservation Program


SCGIS Committees 2011-2012  (descriptions included only if changed)

Domestic Chapters Committee Chair: Demian Rybock  Purpose: The purpose is to facilitate the creation of local SCGIS chapters in the United States that support the mission of SCGIS. We are starting with five pilot chapters in Arizona; Colorado; Hawaii; Utah; and Washington, DC.

Communications Committee Chair: Rosemary Fassel   Purpose: The Communications Committee is responsible for the coordination of all official correspondence to/from SCGIS and communication tasks which lie outside the scope of other committees. Examples include handling formal requests to/from other societies; ensuring consistency between and within the SCGIS newsletter, brochures, announcements, and website; handling or routing all requests from members directed to the society; and assisting in newsletter development, under the direction of the newsletter editor in chief.

Conference Committee Chairs: Carolyn Hughes and Kurt Menke 

Fund-raising Chair: Eric Sandoval

International Committee Chairs: Charles Convis and Sasha Yumakaev

Membership Committee Chairs: Miriam Schmidts and Marcelle Caturia 

Website Committee. Chair: Kim Fisher  Listserve Administrator: Peter August


Acknowledgments  The 2012 SCGIS Conference would not have been possible without the efforts of many great individuals. It is impossible to acknowledge everyone who has played a role in making this conference a success. However, there are a few people and groups that deserve special recognition:

  • Many thanks to Esri for its generosity in providing resources and support.
  • Pingkham’s team at Esri provided extensive organizational and logistical support for this year’s event. Pingkham’s hard work and Esri’s generosity gave us this agenda, our signage, and fully installed laptops for the pre-conference workshops and registration.
  • Exelis VIS for providing ENVI licenses for our pre-conference workshops.
  • The SCGIS Web team, including Kim Fisher and Bryan Baker. They provided constant and reliable support throughout the conference planning process and beyond.
  • Our pre-conference workshop instructors: John Schaeffer, Patti Bailey, Amy Ballard, Heather Coleman and Trevor Wiens, who gave of their own time and resources to be with us this week and share their incredible knowledge.
  • Sasha Yumakaev for his masterful planning of the SCGIS Scholarship Program. We are grateful for all the hard work and personal investment that makes the Scholarship Program such a success.
  • Charles Convis, whose extraordinary support has made SCGIS what it is today. Among other things, he is responsible for categorizing all abstracts into sessions (a monumental task), organizing panel sessions, and was instrumental in securing this year’s conference logo and t-shirt design.
  • Gillian Woolmer, who always goes above and beyond to help the Conference Committee with planning and logistics. She was an excellent resource and a patient font of wisdom throughout the entire planning process and during the conference itself.


2012-2013 from 2013 agenda pdf

Board of Directors 2012  2013 

President Robert Rose Wildlife Conservation Society, USA

Vice President Mike Engels International Crane Foundation, USA

Treasurer Gillian Woolmer Wildlife Conservation Society, Canada

Secretary Eric Sandoval Sandoval and Associates, LLC

Karen Beardsley Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis, USA

Lucy Waruingi African Conservation Centre, Kenya 1998 scholar

Adriana Paese GIS Consultant Brazil 2005scholar

Paul Angelino The Nature Conservancy, USA

John Schaeffer Juniper GIS, USA

Healy Hamilton California Academy of Sciences

Sandra Coveny PC Trask and Associates (2001 domestic scholar)


Advisory Council 2012  2013:  Leslie Backus, Chrysalis Biology, USA,  Steve Beckwitt, Sierra Biodiversity Institute,  Joe Bremen, University of Hawaii,  Charles Convis, Esri Conservation Program,  Michelle Gudorf, Vermont Association of Conservation Districts,  Michael Hamilton, Blue Oak Ranch Reserve, University of California at Berkeley,  Prashant Hedao, Auroville Tsunami Relief Effort, India/Esri Conservation Program,  Roberta Pickert, Archbold Biological Station,  Kai Snyder, E&S Environmental, Susan Miller, The Nature Conservancy, Lisa Pierce, San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District, Alexander Yumakaev, Esri Conservation Program


SCGIS Committees 2012-2013  (descriptions included only if changed)

Domestic Chapters Committee Chair: Janet Nackoney   Purpose: The purpose is to facilitate the creation of local SCGIS chapters in the United States that support the mission of SCGIS. We are starting with five pilot chapters in Arizona; Colorado; Hawaii; Utah; and Washington, DC.

Communications Committee Purpose: Chair: Rosemary Fassel

Conference Committee  Chairs: Carolyn Hughes and David Asbury

Fund-raising  Chair: Eric Sandoval

International Committee  Chairs: Charles Convis and Sasha Yumakaev

Membership Committee   Chair: Miriam Schmidts

Website Committee Purpose: Chair: Kim Fisher  Listserve Administrator: Peter August


Acknowledgments  The 2013 SCGIS Conference would not have been possible without the efforts of many great individuals. It is impossible to acknowledge everyone who has played a role in making this conference a success. However, there are a few people and groups that deserve special recognition:

  • Many thanks to Esri for its generosity in providing resources and support.
  • Pingkham Rattanababpha and her team at Esri provided extensive organizational and logistical support for this year’s event. Her hard work and Esri’s generosity gave us this agenda, our signage, and fully installed laptops for the preconference workshops and registration.
  • The SCGIS web team. They provided constant and reliable support throughout the conference planning process and beyond.
  • Our preconference workshop instructors: John Schaeffer, Patti Bailey, Steve Schill, Will McClintock, and Evan Paul who gave of their own time and resources to be with us this week and share their incredible knowledge.
  • Sasha Yumakaev for his masterful planning of the SCGIS Scholarship Program. We are grateful for all the hard work and personal investment that makes the Scholarship Program such a success.
  • Charles Convis, whose extraordinary support has made SCGIS what it is today. Among other things, he is responsible for categorizing all abstracts into sessions (a monumental task), organizing panel sessions, and was instrumental in securing this year’s conference logo and T-shirt design.



2013-2014 from 2014 agenda pdf

Board of Directors 2013  2014 

President Eric Sandoval Sandoval and Associates, LLC

Vice President Karen Beardsley University of California, Davis

Treasurer Doreen Whitley National Audubon Society

Secretary Carolyn Hughes The Nature Conservancy

Robert Rose Wildlife Conservation Society

Lucy Waruingi African Conservation Centre, Kenya 1998 scholar

Adriana Paese GIS Consultant, Brazil  2005scholar

Paul Angelino The Nature Conservancy, USA

Healy Hamilton NatureServe

Sandra Coveny PC Trask and Associates (2001 domestic scholar)


Advisory Council 2013  2014:  Leslie Backus, Chrysalis Biology, USA,  Charles Convis, Esri Conservation Program,  Mike Engels  AudaExplore, Michelle Gudorf, Vermont Association of Conservation Districts,  Michael Hamilton, Blue Oak Ranch Reserve, University of California at Berkeley,  Prashant Hedao, Auroville Tsunami Relief Effort, India/Esri Conservation Program,  Lata Iyer,  Auroville Roberta Pickert, Archbold Biological Station,  Kai Snyder, E&S Environmental, Susan Miller, The Nature Conservancy, Lisa Pierce, San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District, Alexander Yumakaev, Esri Conservation Program,   John Schaeffer Juniper GIS, Gillian Woolmer Wildlife Conservation Society, Canada


SCGIS Committees 2013-2014  (descriptions included only if changed)

Domestic Chapters Committee Chair: Janet Nackoney   

Communications Committee Purpose: Chair: Rosemary Fassel

Conference Committee  Chairs: David Asbury, Lori Pelech, and Robert Rose

Fund-raising  Chair: Michelle Kinzel

International Committee  Chair: Charles Convis 

Membership Committee   Chair: Miriam Schmidts

Website Committee Purpose: Chair: Bridget Conneely   Listserve Administrator: Peter August


Acknowledgments   The 2014 SCGIS Conference would not have been possible without the efforts of many great individuals. It is impossible to acknowledge everyone who has played a role in making this conference a success. However, there are a few people and groups that deserve special recognition:

  • Many thanks to Esri for its generosity in providing resources and support.
  • Pingkham Rattanababpha and her team at Esri provided extensive organizational and logistical support for this year’s event. Her hard work and Esri’s generosity gave us this agenda, our signage, and fully installed laptops for the preconference workshops and registration.
  • The SCGIS web team. They provided constant and reliable support throughout the conference planning process and beyond.
  • Our preconference workshop instructors: John Schaeffer, Patti Bailey, and Andrew Hill who gave of their own time and resources to be with us this week and share their incredible knowledge.
  • Sasha Yumakaev for his masterful planning of the SCGIS Scholarship Program. We are grateful for all the hard work and personal investment that makes the Scholarship Program such a success.
  • Charles Convis, whose extraordinary support has made SCGIS what it is today. Among other things, he is responsible for categorizing all abstracts into sessions (a monumental task), and was instrumental in securing this year’s conference logo and T-shirt design.



2014-2015 from 2015 agenda pdf

Board of Directors 2014  2015 

President Dr. Healy Hamilton NatureServe

Vice President Dr. Janet Nackoney University of Maryland

Treasurer Doreen Whitley National Audubon Society

Secretary Carolyn Hughes The Nature Conservancy

Sandra Coveny Consultant (2001 domestic scholar)

Karen Beardsley University of California, Davis

Lucy Waruingi African Conservation Centre, Kenya 1998 scholar

Adriana Paese GIS Consultant, Brazil  2005scholar

 Eric Sandoval Sandoval and Associates, LLC

Mervyn Lotter Mpulama Tourism & Wildlife Authority, South Africa 2011 scholar


Advisory Council 2014  2015:  Leslie Backus, Chrysalis Biology, USA,  Charles Convis, Esri Conservation Program,  Mike Engels  AudaExplore,  Prashant Hedao, Auroville Tsunami Relief Effort, India/Esri Conservation Program,  Lata Iyer,  Auroville Roberta Pickert, Archbold Biological Station,  Susan Miller, The Nature Conservancy, Lisa Pierce, Redlands Conservancy, Alexander Yumakaev, Esri Conservation Program,   John Schaeffer Juniper GIS, Gillian Woolmer Wildlife Conservation Society, Canada


Acknowledgments   The 2015 SCGIS Conference would not have been possible without the efforts of many great individuals. It is impossible to acknowledge everyone who has played a role in making this conference a success. However, there are a few people and groups that deserve special recognition:

  • Many thanks to Esri for its generosity in providing in-kind contributions of resources and staff support.
  • Conservation International for providing travel funding.
  • Blue Raster for sponsoring the breaks and social hours.
  • Pingkham Rattanababpha and her team at Esri provided extensive organizational and logistical support for this year’s event. Her hard work and Esri’s generosity gave us this agenda, our signage, and fully installed laptops for the preconference workshops and registration and our wonderful t-shirts.
  • Nasser Olwero, Kim Fisher, and the SCGIS web team. They provided constant and reliable support throughout the conference planning process and beyond.
  • Our preconference workshop instructors: John Schaeffer, Miriam Schmidts, and Max Wright who gave of their own time and resources to be with us this week and share their incredible knowledge.
  • Sasha Yumakaev for his masterful planning of the SCGIS Scholarship Program. We are grateful for all the hard work and personal investment that makes the Scholarship Program such a success.
  • Charles Convis, whose extraordinary support and organizational skills in categorizing all abstracts into sessions. • Jocelyn Tutak our Twitter sorcerous who makes things happen, as soon as we think about it.
  • We would also like to thank the follow people who helped out in many stages of the planning for this year’s conference: Michael Hamilton, Rob Rose, David Asbury, Carolyn Hughes, Bridget Conneely, Gillian Woolmer, the SCGIS Board, the donors for our auction, Asilomar staff, and the many non-profits and organizations that have promoted this event and all of the volunteers and presenters who make this conference possible.
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