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Under what scenarios  arcpy.GetSigninToken() will return null

09-08-2024 07:54 PM
Regular Contributor


I have published a python script tool as a secured GP Task to a federated ArcGIS Server. The task makes REST API calls to other secured ArcGIS Server services in the same site where GP Task is published. To use the same token when making REST calls to other services, I retrieve a token in the GP task's python code using 


This works fine and returns me a valid token when I execute the GP Task using SubmitTask in REST UI. I can use the retrieved token and make other REST API calls such as layer/query etc.

But when this GP task is called by our partner Schneider Electric's ArcFM GDB Manager XI solution, it returns null value even though the GP task is secured. I am trying to find under what scenarios  arcpy.GetSigninToken() will return null (None) even if the service is secured and federated to Portal. In the same GP task arcpy.SignInToPortal works all the time even when GP task is called by Schneider Electric's ArcFM GDB Manager XI solution.

Any info is greatly appreciated.






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