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Python Toolbox: Only validate when you press run?

09-17-2024 11:58 AM
MVP Regular Contributor

I'm running into an issue where the standard validation is just taking waaaay too long (Describing the input) and I really just need it to validate when I press Run, not beforehand.

That is, if there's an error, only tell me when I press Run.

Has anyone figured out a way to do this?


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You can just rename your validation function so it's not called in the validation loop and run it at the top of your execute function, something like this:


import arcpy
import time

class Tool:
    ... # other methods
    def validateParameters(self, parameters):
        # Expensive validation goes here
        # Randomly fail validation
        if time.time() % 2 == 0:
            arcpy.AddError("Validation failed")
            return False
        arcpy.AddMessage("Validation complete")
        return True
    def execute(self, parameters, messages):
        # Expensive execution goes here (after run)
        if not self.validateParameters(parameters):
            arcpy.AddError("Validation failed")