So I am running a Simplify Line tool in the Python Window and my geoprocessing environment setting in ArcMap is set to overwrite outputs True. I am able to overwrite outputs and do it a lot when cranking out data.
I am re-running the Simplify Line and want to overwrite an existing feature class in a file geodatabase. The python windows runs
arcpy.SimplifyLine_cartography(r"Landbase Layer\Infrastructure\Roads selection",r"C:\ESRI WORK FOLDER\Landbase\4- California\Siskiyou Landbase\Landbase Geodatabase\Siskiyou_Landbase.gdb\Infrastructure\LocalRoads_Simplified_50ft","POINT_REMOVE",50,"RESOLVE_ERRORS","KEEP_COLLAPSED_POINTS","CHECK")
Pretty straightforward. When I add the results to the mapdocument, the changes I made are not contained in the attribute table as if it were never overwritten.
Next I delete the feature classes from the database and rerun the same script. My results then do show the change.
Where does the problem exist? and how can I remedy this? If I were to run a larger script and had this issue happen, it would be a really drag.