Using ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET, how can I display the legend or symbology of an image, along with the image, on a map? I have an ArcGIS runtime program written in C#, which generates a series of rasters, and displays them on a map using the following code snippit . . .
private void AddRasterLayer(string rasterPath, string id, bool isVisible, double[,] rasterArray)
var newRaster = new Raster(rasterPath); // create the raster object from the image file var newRasterLayer = new RasterLayer(newRaster); // create the raster layer object from the raster
newRasterLayer.Id = id;
if (id == "DEMMosaic")// if the image is the DEM
double max = SoilMoisturePreprocessing.Max2d(rasterArray); // get the maximum value in the array
double min = SoilMoisturePreprocessing.Min2d(rasterArray); // get the minimum value in the array
double[] minVals = { min }; // minimum value for stretch parameters input
double[] maxVals = { max }; // maximum value for stretch parameters input MinMaxStretchParameters
minMaxParams = new MinMaxStretchParameters(minVals, maxVals); // create stretch parameters object ColorRamp elevationColorRamp = ColorRamp.Create(PresetColorRampType.Elevation); // create the color ramp
var rendrr = new StretchRenderer(minMaxParams, null, true, elevationColorRamp); // create the renderer
newRasterLayer.Renderer = rendrr; // apply the renderer to the raster layer
newRasterLayer.Opacity = 0.6; // set the opacity
newRasterLayer.IsVisible = isVisible; // visibility setting var mapViewModel = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<MapViewModel>(); // get the map view model mapViewModel.Map.OperationalLayers.Add(newRasterLayer); // add the raster layer to the map
Is there a way that I could incorporate into the above code, a method that would display a legend for the raster along with the raster?
Hi! Did you manage to solve this eventually?