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SpatialRelationship.Relate usage on QueryParameters

09-08-2024 10:42 AM
Emerging Contributor

Good afternoon,

I am needing to supply a custom DE-9IM matrix relation encoded as a string for a spatial relationship in QueryParameters, using SpatialRelationship.Relate like the Pro SDK supports in a SpatialQueryFilter with its property, SpatialRelationshipDescription when using SpatialRelationship.Relation.

I can’t seem to find where I would supply a relation string if I use the SpatialRelationship.Relate relationship in QueryParameters. Does the .NET Maps SDK support this? If not, why, and can it be added? This would be very helpful to have available for inverse spatial relationships or complex relationship functions.

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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

We could consider this enhancement for a future release. We'll need to make this type of spatial query work with both local data and when working with data in services, so it is not trivial. I encourage you to submit an idea giving specific examples if possible on how you intend to use such queries.
In the meantime, take a look at GeometryEngine.Relate() to see if you can use that to do some filtering in the app

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