I've tried to create a replica from a FeatureService that has basic authentication. When I request the replica from Windows Store, it works fine. When the request comes from Windows Phone, the callback returns a 404 Error (URL not found).
PS.: It's an UWP project and I'm using the code below for the both applications.
DTO.AGSAuth agsAuth = await restConn.ArcGISServerRequestCredentialAsync(this.featureService.Url);
GeodatabaseSyncTask gdbTask = new GeodatabaseSyncTask(new Uri(this.featureService.Url));
if (agsAuth != null)
switch (agsAuth.mode)
case "TOKEN":
DTO.AGSAuthToken agsToken = agsAuth as DTO.AGSAuthToken;
gdbTask.Token = agsToken.credential.token;
case "BASIC":
agsAuthBasic = agsAuth as DTO.AGSAuthBasic;
byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(agsAuthBasic.credential.key);
string[] credentials = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 0, data.Length).Split(':');
string userName = credentials[0].Split('\\')[1], passWord = credentials[1], domain = credentials[0].Split('\\')[0];
System.Net.NetworkCredential networkCredential = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(userName, passWord, domain);
var credential = new ArcGISNetworkCredential
Credentials = networkCredential,
ServiceUri = this.featureService.Url
featureService.Layers = await new DAO.DAOFeatureServiceLayer().GetFromServiceAsync(featureService);
featureService.Extent = new DAO.DAOMapa().GetExtent(App.Usuario);
var gdbParams = new GenerateGeodatabaseParameters(featureService.Layers.Select(x => x.ID), featureService.Extent)
OutSpatialReference = new SpatialReference(102100),
SyncModel = SyncModel.PerLayer,
ReturnAttachments = true
await gdbTask.GenerateGeodatabaseAsync
new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0),
Solved! Go to Solution.
The current ArcGIS Runtime SDK 10.2.7 for .NET API that targets Windows Store 8.1 apps will technically work for building UWP apps but is not officially certified or supported on that platform.
We're currently working on the next major release of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET which includes an API specifically targeting the UWP platform. That was released in beta back in July. If you're building a UWP app I recommend starting with the beta ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .Net | ArcGIS for Developers and if you run into any issues please post for discussion in the beta forum or report bugs via the feedback facility in the beta community site: http://links.esri.com/runtime-dotnet-sdk-forum.
The current ArcGIS Runtime SDK 10.2.7 for .NET API that targets Windows Store 8.1 apps will technically work for building UWP apps but is not officially certified or supported on that platform.
We're currently working on the next major release of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET which includes an API specifically targeting the UWP platform. That was released in beta back in July. If you're building a UWP app I recommend starting with the beta ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .Net | ArcGIS for Developers and if you run into any issues please post for discussion in the beta forum or report bugs via the feedback facility in the beta community site: http://links.esri.com/runtime-dotnet-sdk-forum.
Do you know if they'll fix it in the current ArcGis Runtime SDK? Or only in Quartz?