Label Background doesnt work with ArcGIS Runtime

12-30-2014 03:56 AM
Occasional Contributor III

Label background is not working within JMap in ArcGIS Runtime Java. But the local Server is able to export maps with background color from the local runtime server.

I also dont see any methods in the API. Even constructing it from the JSON is not working. Is this a BUG ?

Eric BaderVijay Gandhi

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2 Replies
New Contributor III

Hi Sachin,

I assume you are using LabelingInfo class. That requires the symbol to be a TextSymbol. Our TextSymbol does not support a background color property yet, so there is no API.

It worked with local server because it uses a different rendering pipeline.



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Occasional Contributor III

Any idea when this can be fixed? We are unable to provide the label background now with Runtime API.

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