Published on 08-06-202402:34 PM by
TinaBrewington| Updated on 02-14-202506:32 AM
Updated on 02/14/2025
The ArcGIS Pro Foundation 2025 blueprint survey has now closed.Thank you to those who participated!
What is a blueprint survey?
A blueprint survey is an important part of the exam development process. It describes an exam’s “minimally qualified candidate” and includes an extensive list of specific knowledge that this candidate should have and the ArcGIS tasks they should be able to perform. Just as important, the blueprint survey lists the skills and knowledge that the minimally qualified candidate should not be expected to have.
Participating in a blueprint survey allows you to make an impact on upcoming exams by providing valuable feedback. Your survey responses will help us ensure that:
Exam objectives reflect tasks and workflows expected to be performed by the minimally qualified candidate.
Review exam details and download the exam information guide in Esri Academy to assess whether your current knowledge and skills align with the exam content to meet the criteria of "minimally qualified candidate."
If you decide to participate in the blueprint survey, let us know you’re participating by clicking “Yes" under the "Will you be attending" section here on this page. We recommend adding the blueprint survey time period to your calendar.
If you clicked "Yes" to attend, you will receive a notification with the survey link to participate on the day the survey opens.
Our exam-development process is rigorous so that you (and employers) can be confident that Esri technical certifications align with real-world GIS workflows and best practices applying ArcGIS products.
Hi dears I would like to participate in the development exam, I am Esri certified and SME 2024. Looking forward to getting contact with someone from Esri for a participation.
if (newSub.getAttribute("slang").toLowerCase() != code_l.toLowerCase()) {
if (trLabelsHtml != "") {
var labelSname = "";
if(labelEle[i].querySelector("ul li:nth-child(1)").getAttribute("aria-hidden")){
labelSname = labelEle[i].querySelector("ul li:nth-child(1)").outerHTML;
labelEle[i].innerHTML = "";
labelEle[i].innerHTML = labelSname + trLabelsHtml;
/* V 2.0:3 = Store not translated reply id */
if(lingoRSXML.snapshotLength == 0){
if($scope.falseReplyID == "") {
$scope.falseReplyID = value;
/* Get translated Body of Replies/Comments */
var lingoRBXML = doc.evaluate(lingoRBExp, doc, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
for(var i=0;i 0) {
var attachDiv = rootElement.querySelector('div.lia-quilt-row-main').querySelector('div.custom-attachments');
if (attachDiv) {
attachDiv = attachDiv.outerHTML;
else if(rootElement.querySelector('div.lia-quilt-row-main').querySelectorAll('#attachments').length > 0){
if ("OccasionPage" == "BlogArticlePage") {
attachDiv = rootElement.querySelector('div.lia-quilt-row-main .lia-message-body-content').querySelector('#attachments');
if (attachDiv) {
attachDiv = attachDiv.outerHTML;
attachDiv = "";
attachDiv = rootElement.querySelector('div.lia-quilt-row-main').querySelector('#attachments').outerHTML;
else {
attachDiv = "";
/* Feedback Div */
var feedbackDiv = "";
var feedbackDivs = rootElement.querySelector('div.lia-quilt-row-main').querySelectorAll('div.lia-panel-feedback-banner-safe');
if (feedbackDivs.length > 0) {
for (var k = 0; k < feedbackDivs.length; k++) {
feedbackDiv = feedbackDiv + feedbackDivs[k].outerHTML;
else {
var attachDiv = rootElement.querySelector('div.lia-message-body-content').querySelector('div.Attachments.preview-attachments');
if (attachDiv) {
attachDiv = attachDiv.outerHTML;
} else {
attachDiv = "";
/* Everyone tags links */
if (document.querySelectorAll("div.TagList").length > 0){
var everyoneTagslink = document.querySelector('div.lia-quilt-row-main').querySelector(".MessageTagsTaplet .TagList");
if ((everyoneTagslink != null)||(everyoneTagslink != undefined)){
everyoneTagslink = everyoneTagslink.outerHTML;
everyoneTagslink = "";
/* Feedback Div */
var feedbackDiv = "";
var feedbackDivs = rootElement.querySelector('div.lia-message-body-content').querySelectorAll('div.lia-panel-feedback-banner-safe');
if (feedbackDivs.length > 0) {
for (var m = 0; m < feedbackDivs.length; m++) {
feedbackDiv = feedbackDiv + feedbackDivs[m].outerHTML;
} catch (e) {
if (body_L == "") {
/* V 2.0:7 Replacing translated video data with source video data */
var newBodyVideoData = newBody.querySelectorAll('div[class*="video-embed"]');
angular.forEach($scope.videoData[value], function (sourceVideoElement, index) {
if (index <= (newBodyVideoData.length - 1)) {
newBodyVideoData[index].outerHTML = sourceVideoElement.outerHTML
/* V 2.0:7 = Replacing translated image data with source data */
var newBodyImageData = newBody.querySelectorAll('[class*="lia-image"]');
angular.forEach($scope.imageData[value], function (sourceImgElement, index) {
if (index <= (newBodyImageData.length - 1)) {
newBodyImageData[index].outerHTML = sourceImgElement.outerHTML;
/* V 2.0:7 = Replacing translated pre tag data with source data */
var newBodyPreTagData = newBody.querySelectorAll('pre');
angular.forEach($scope.preTagData[value], function (sourcePreTagElement, index) {
if (index <= (newBodyPreTagData.length - 1)) {
newBodyPreTagData[index].outerHTML = sourcePreTagElement.outerHTML;
var copyBodySubject = false;
if (body_L == "") {
copyBodySubject = true;
body_L = newBody.innerHTML;
/* This code is written as part of video fix by iTalent */
/* try{
var iframeHTMLText = body_L;
var searchIframeText = "<IFRAME";
var foundiFrameTag;
if (iframeHTMLText.indexOf(searchIframeText) > -1) {
foundiFrameTag = decodeHTMLEntities(iframeHTMLText);
foundiFrameTag = foundiFrameTag.split('src="')[1];
body_L = foundiFrameTag;
} */
/* This code is placed to remove the extra meta tag adding in the UI*/
body_L = body_L.replace('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />','');
/** We should not replace the source content if user profile language and selected target language matches with source language **/
if(showTrContent) {
var compiled = false;
rootElement.querySelectorAll('div.lia-message-body-content')[0].innerHTML = null
// var customAttachDiv = '';
rootElement.querySelectorAll('div.lia-message-body-content')[0].innerHTML = body_L + feedbackDiv ;
compiled = true;
/* Attach atttach div */
// document.querySelector("div.translation-attachments-"+value).innerHTML = attachDiv;
if(rootElement.querySelectorAll('div.lia-quilt-idea-message .lia-message-body .lia-attachments-message').length > 1){
rootElement.querySelectorAll('div.lia-quilt-idea-message .lia-message-body .lia-attachments-message')[1].remove();
} else {
rootElement.querySelectorAll('div.lia-message-body-content')[0].innerHTML = body_L + feedbackDiv ;
rootElement.querySelectorAll('div.lia-message-body-content')[0].innerHTML = body_L + feedbackDiv + attachDiv;
compiled = true;
/* Destroy and recreate OOyala player videos to restore the videos in target languages which is written by iTalent as part of iTrack LILICON-79 */ /* Destroy and recreate OOyala player videos */
// $scope.videoData[value][0].querySelector("div").getAttribute("id");
for(var vidIndex=0; vidIndex<$scope.videoData[value].length; vidIndex++){
if( $scope.videoData[value][vidIndex].querySelector("div") != null){
var containerId = LITHIUM.OOYALA.players[$scope.videoData[value][vidIndex].querySelector("div").getAttribute("id")].containerId;
videoId = LITHIUM.OOYALA.players[$scope.videoData[value][vidIndex].querySelector("div").getAttribute("id")].videoId;
/** Get the Video object */
vid = OO.Player.create(containerId,videoId);
/** Destroy the video **/
/** recreate in the same position */
var vid = OO.Player.create(containerId,videoId);
for(var vidIndex=0; vidIndex<($scope.videoData[value].length); vidIndex++){
if($scope.videoData[value][vidIndex].querySelector('video-js') != null){
var data_id = $scope.videoData[value][vidIndex].querySelector('video-js').getAttribute('data-video-id');
var data_account = $scope.videoData[value][vidIndex].querySelector('video-js').getAttribute('data-account');
var data_palyer = $scope.videoData[value][vidIndex].querySelector('video-js').getAttribute('data-player');
var div = document.createElement('div'); = "brightcove";
div.class = "brightcove-player";
div.innerHTML =
'(view in my videos)'
var data = div.getElementsByClassName("video-js");
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = "" + data_account + "/" + data_palyer + "_default/index.min.js";
for(var i=0;i< data.length;i++){
for(var i=0;i< videodata.length;i++){
document.getElementsByClassName('lia-vid-container')[i].innerHTML = videodata[i].outerHTML;
/* Re compile html */
if (code_l.toLowerCase() != newBody.getAttribute("slang").toLowerCase()) {
/* Adding Translation flag */
var tr_obj = $filter('filter')($scope.sourceLangList, function (obj_l) {
return obj_l.code.toLowerCase() === newBody.getAttribute("slang").toLowerCase()
if (tr_obj.length > 0) {
tr_text = "Esri may utilize third parties to translate your data and/or imagery to facilitate communication across different languages.".replace(/lilicon-trans-text/g, tr_obj[0].title);
try {
if ($scope.wootMessages[$rootScope.profLang] != undefined) {
tr_text = $scope.wootMessages[$rootScope.profLang].replace(/lilicon-trans-text/g, tr_obj[0].title);
} catch (e) {
} else {
//tr_text = "This message was translated for your convenience!";
tr_text = "Esri may utilize third parties to translate your data and/or imagery to facilitate communication across different languages.";
try {
if (!document.getElementById("tr-msz-" + value)) {
var tr_para = document.createElement("P");
tr_para.setAttribute("id", "tr-msz-" + value);
tr_para.setAttribute("class", "tr-msz"); = 'justify';
var tr_fTag = document.createElement("IMG");
tr_fTag.setAttribute("class", "tFlag");
tr_fTag.setAttribute("src", "/html/assets/langTrFlag.PNG"); = "5px"; = "14px";
var tr_textNode = document.createTextNode(tr_text);
/* Woot message only for multi source */
} else if(rootElement.querySelector(".lia-message-view-blog-topic-message")) {
} else if(rootElement.querySelector(".lia-quilt-blog-reply-message")){
} else if(rootElement.querySelector(".lia-quilt-tkb-message")){
} else if(rootElement.querySelector(".lia-quilt-tkb-reply-message")){
} else if(rootElement.querySelector(".lia-quilt-idea-message")){
} else if(rootElement.querySelector('.lia-quilt-occasion-message')){
else {
if (rootElement.querySelectorAll('div.lia-quilt-row-footer').length > 0) {
} else {
} catch (e) {
} else {
/* Do not display button for same language */
// syncList.remove(value);
var index = $scope.syncList.indexOf(value);
if (index > -1) {
$scope.syncList.splice(index, 1);
/* V 1.1:2 = Reply Sync button for multi source translation */
} catch(e){
if((rContent != undefined) && (rContent != "")) {
/** Update variable with selected language code **/
$scope.previousSelCode = code_l;
* @function manageTranslation
* @description Managess the translation of given language for the thread
* @param {string} langCode - Language Code
* @param {string} tid - Thread ID
$scope.manageTranslation = function (langCode, tid) {
$scope.showTrText = false;
/* V 2.0:5 = actualStatus variable introduced to indicate detailed connector status on UI. This variable holds the actual translation percentage */
$scope.transPercent = "";
$scope.actualStatus = "";
if (tid != "") {
var bulkTranslation = lithiumPlugin.bulkTranslation(langCode, tid);
bulkTranslation.then(function (trContent) {
if(trContent.body != "") {
$scope.showPreview(trContent.body, $scope.mszList, langCode);
if(langCode != "en-US") {
$scope.showTrText = true;
if((trContent.status != "NA") && trContent.status != null) {
// $scope.transPercent = String(trContent.status);
$scope.actualStatus = String(trContent.status);
} else {
// $rootScope.errorMsg = "Translation is in progress. Please check again a few minutes."
$rootScope.errorMsg = "Translation is in progress. Please retry in a few minutes."
$scope.workbench = trContent.wb;
/* V 2.0:4 = Trigger uncalled or delayed callbacks (documnet uploaded/translation completed from lithium).*/
if(trContent.callback == 'true') {
var trCompletCallback = lithiumPlugin.trCompletCallback(langCode, trContent.docID);
trCompletCallback.then(function (callback){
// $rootScope.errorMsg = "Downloading Translated content in " + langCode + " now. Please check again in a few minutes."
$rootScope.errorMsg = "Uploading content to translate. Please check again in a few minutes."
} else if (trContent.callback == 'upload') {
var trCompletUpload = lithiumPlugin.trCompletUpload(langCode, trContent.docID);
trCompletUpload.then(function (callback) {
//$rootScope.errorMsg = "Uploading content to translate. Please check again in a few minutes."
$rootScope.errorMsg = "Uploading content to translate. Please check again in a few minutes."
} else if ("many" == "one") {
} else if("SmartConx" == "SmartConx"){
if ("many" == "many"){
}else if ((trContent.status != null) && trContent.status.includes("100")) {
/* If everything fine then only check Out of Sync status */
} else {
/* If translation perccent is less than 100 then show the percentage on UI */
$scope.transPercent = $scope.actualStatus;
* @function selectThisLang
* @description Called on select dropdown.
* @param {string} lang - Language code
$scope.selectThisLang = function (lang, anonymousFlag) {
/* 1.4:3 Update Analytics on language selection */
try {
lingoThreadLangSelected(lang, '1515834');
} catch (e) {
/** Display Translated content **/
var getTranslation = lithiumPlugin.getTranslation(lang, "1515834");
getTranslation.then(function (trContent) {
if (trContent.body != "") {
$scope.showPreview(trContent.body, $scope.mszList, lang);
} else {
//$rootScope.errorMsg = "Translation is in progress. Please check again in a few minutes."
$rootScope.errorMsg = "Translation is in progress. Please retry in a few minutes."
var decodeEntities = (function() {
// this prevents any overhead from creating the object each time
var element = document.createElement('div');
function decodeHTMLEntities (str) {
if(str && typeof str === 'string') {
// strip script/html tags
str = str.replace(/