The purpose of this article is to introduce you to Esri Technical Certification exam development and show you how you can view, RVSP, and receive notifications to participate in future exam development opportunities through our Exam Development Participation board.
To ensure that our certification exams are of the highest quality, align with the Esri software best practices, and meet the needs of the GIS Industry, our exams are updated routinely, every 18-24 months. To ensure we meet these standards, we seek the participation of qualified candidates within the ArcGIS community during exam development.
Additionally, as we update and publish new exams versions, old exam versions are retired 6 months later, meaning candidates can no longer register to take that exam and must pursue the latest exam version instead (please note: Esri Technical Certifications never expire, just the exam versions). You can learn more about exam retirement here.
As these exams are developed and eventually retired, they go through different exam states. These states are considered exam milestones that occur prior to and following our exams being published and made available to the public.
The state of an exam can be found on the Exam Details page. Visit Esri Academy and click an exam card to view exam details and see the exam state.
We highly encourage qualified candidates and Esri-certified individuals to participate in exam development! Individuals that participate in both phases of exam development (blueprint survey and beta exam) provide valuable feedback that directly informs the content that will be published on the exam.
In addition to this, candidates who participate in 3 exam development within a one-year period for any of our exams in development are eligible to receive an Exam Development Subject Matter Expert (SME) badge that can be added to your email signatures, LinkedIn profile, etc. Learn ore about our Exam Development SME program here!
We encourage you to subscribe to Esri Technical Certification in Esri Community and ask questions about our program here.
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