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Table of other schema

06-06-2011 07:17 AM
Emerging Contributor

I am seeing several tables of other schema when I connect to my sde database using ArcCatalog. My sde database is in Oracle. What could be the cause and how can I get rid of them?

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2 Replies
Emerging Contributor
Log in to SQL using DB Admin credentials (system -or- sys)

revoke select any table from <schema name>;

You may do this for all the schemas from where other schema tables are visible.
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
Revoking SELECT ANY TABLE will only work if it was granted in the first place.

It's far more likely that GRANT SELECT ON table TO PUBLIC has been granted by the
other table owner, or that the "tables" aren't tables, but instead are feature datasets,
which are visible to all users.

What version or Oracle are you using? Is Application Express (APEX) installed?
What version of ArcSDE are you using? Have you applied any service packs?
What are the names of some of the visible tables? Do they have the "expode"
symbol (+) next to them?

- V
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