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Stretched Raster Symbology not using current display

06-02-2011 01:42 PM
New Contributor III
I am finding that in ArcGIS10 while using the symbology tab of the raster layer properties and selecting stretched values I am not getting the expected results from the statistics option "From Current Display Extent".  For each raster in the display it uses only the statistics for that raster and not the extent of the display as expected.  Anyone have a work around for a visual check of DEM edges?
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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

If you have loaded each DEM sepeately to the MXD then yes it will calculate the statistics for each DEM speately and then do a stretch. The toggle "From Current Display Extent" is only useful if the entire image actually fills the screen then it will calculate the stretch for that portion of image on the screen.

The work around to this is to include all your DEM's in a mosiac dataset (new Geodatabase format at V10.0). When you display the mosaic dataset the statistics are then calculated as if it is one seamless image (DEM) and the toggle "From Current Display Extent" will work for entire mosaic dataset rather than on the individual images.


Gordon Sumerling
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Esri Contributor
Gordon is right. Another option is to use the Image Analysis window. Select all the DEMs and click the Mosaic button in the Processing section.
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New Contributor III
Thanks Melanie & Gordon
Both of these solutions worked though I liked the Image Analysis tool the best.  I will have to look into the Raster Mosaic Dataset; this will be good for a lot of other things I am hoping.
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