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Loss of Precision in Latitude/Longitude Fields After Migrating to Azure SQL

10-16-2024 04:14 PM
Labels (3)
Frequent Contributor

We recently migrated/copied some feature dataset from an on-prem SQL database to Azure SQL managed instance. During the process, the FLOAT data type (on-prem) for latitude and longitude fields was automatically changed to NUMERIC(38,8) in Azure SQL. This change has led to a loss of precision in my geographic coordinates.

We can see the data type in ArcGIS Pro field designer that both are double type in numeric format, but the precision and scale was (0,0) in on-prem SQL database while it became (38,8) in Azure SQL. 

Has anyone else experienced this issue? What are the best practices for retaining precision in latitude/longitude fields when migrating to Azure SQL?



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