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Arcade as option for the code sample

09-30-2021 05:58 AM
MVP Alum

I propose adding Arcade as an option for the code sample. Considering Arcade is a language developed by ESRI specifically for ArcGIS, it's kinda mind-boggling that it isn't available.



It seems most of the code could be copied from the JavaScript formatting (which I use as a substitute). My biggest gripe is that it doesn't format the Arcade globals:

var a = $feature.Field
var fs = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "FeatureClass")



I suggest you put this in as an idea. You’ll get a kudos on it from me for sure!


I'd gladly do that. Couldn't find an idea board for the community, though. Where would you suggest posting it?

by Anonymous User

Just to let you know we do have adding Arcade as an option to use in Community post listed as a future enhancement item in this doc.  Known Issues and Future Enhancements - Esri Community . We are still having active discussions on how to make this happen. As there is no formal Idea Exchange for Community specific ideas then posting as a question here in the Feedback board is the best place. Thanks for sharing with us your desire to see this added to the Community experience. 

by Anonymous User

I came to post exactly this Idea today, and discovered it was already live on the boards, and just old.

I'm honestly surprised this still hasn't happened.  From context of the message, I'm assuming the Anonymous User above is actually ESRI personnel who was either not logged in, or who was stripped from the database for some reason?

Not sure who to tag here to ask about it, but I'm going with @JesseCloutier & @SimiBasu , since you were both involved with the two most recent code block-related Ideas I've been tracking.  Any chance this can be included in the improvements coming later this year?  It really feels like a no-brainer to me.


@MErikReedAugusta, building more support for Arcade into Esri Community is an ongoing conversation we've been having with Esri product teams. As of right now, we don't have all the elements we need to move forward on this and advise members select JavaScript as the closest option when entering Arcade in the code block. Understanding that there is persistent interest from members in seeing more Arcade-specific support, it's something we intend to keep exploring where there is opportunity.


I appreciate the update; thank you.