Tools & Tips: Manage Notifications

09-10-2024 09:53 PM
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Esri Community Manager
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Esri Community’s Tools & Tips series provides a power-packed serving of “How-To” every month. These micro-sized guides make it easy to level up your platform knowledge and get more out of Esri Community.

The value: When members subscribe to Places, Boards, posts, or labels in Esri Community, they receive notifications when new related activity occurs. Notifications can include in-platform messages and/or email messages containing details on the new activity as well as links to the original content. When left alone, default settings govern the channels, formats, and frequency of notifications. Individual users may find those defaults don’t suit their needs and can manually adjust them.

How to do it: While logged in, members can use this link: Notification Settings OR can select their avatar to reveal a dropdown list of options. Then select My Subscriptions followed by the Notification Settings option on the resulting dashboard’s navigation. From there, make selections based on your preferred notifications delivery.

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Process for locating your account's notification settings

Keep in mind: Receiving immediate notifications of content at the Place and/or Board level leads to the highest notification volume and frequency. Reserving immediate notifications for the content most important to you or adjusting notification frequency to a daily or weekly digest can introduce limits some users may find more manageable.

Want to unsubscribe from certain content entirely without otherwise adjusting your notification settings? See Tools & Tips: Manage Subscriptions

Esri Regular Contributor


Reading your blog I still have a problem here.

I would like to subscribe in two ways.

First I subscribe to a place or board. As you wrote I DO NOT want to get email about any new post. I just need a way to go in once a day or two and see the new posts only for the boards I am interest in and not for other boards.

Then I do want to subscribe to some posts (just a few). In this case I do want to get an email or at least be able to see only the posts (not boars) I subscribe to see if there is any new activity.

I find no way to handle two different subscriptions.

Can you help?


Esri Community Manager

Hi @ModyBuchbinder, if your preference is to limit the notifications you see to just in-platform notifications (no email) for specific Boards, do the following:

Do not subscribe at the Place level unless you want to subscribe to every Board in a given Place.

In your Notification Settings, under the Email Notifications section:

  • New topics or articles posted in boards I subscribe to = Never
  • Any comments on the knowledge base articles, blog articles, or events in boards I subscribe to = Unchecked

The remaining settings in the Email Notifications section can be adjusted depending on your preference, but you'll want to make sure that at least these are set to send you emails either immediately or via a digest per your desired cadence:

  • New replies posted to content I subscribe to
  • Responses to other replies I subscribe to
  • Posts I'm mentioned in

Hope this helps!

About the Author
I'm a Community Manager focused on Engagement & Content here at Esri. My guiding ethos is that community — people coming together around shared purpose, demonstrating collective support, and collaborating in mutually beneficial ways — is the most powerful source for progress in the world. I'm at your service as we make great things happen through GIS.