I may be calling into the void with such a specific problem, but I'm hopeful I can find a solution.
I am using ArcMap (ARCGIS 10.2 for Desktop) and have been able to get some recently updated files from MassGIS onto some maps. For some reason, I cannot get the MassGIS Aerial Imagery files to work. I was able to download and use the tifs for the topo map quads just fine, and the 2009 Imagery files (downloaded to this laptop in 2013) work just fine. But the new 2023 Aerial Imagery files are .jp2, and when I add the data into ArcMap I get two problems.
First, I get an Unknown Spatial Reference warning. I don't understand why, as MassGIS data is usually pretty good with having a spatial reference already. When I try to use the define projection tool, ArcMap crashes.
Second, the raster that does get added without a projection is much duller than it should be, even though band_1, 2, and 3 are in the correct RBG.
How it looks on ArcMap
How it should look
Unfortunately I can't solve this problem by clicking "Add data from ArcGIS Online", as this also causes ArcMap to crash. I assume this old laptop had multiple accounts logged in at some point and probably doesn't know what to do. My only other resort is to try to use QGIS, which might be better in the long run.
Does anyone know if I am doing something wrong, or does this version of ArcMap/the old company laptop just not work with this new jp2 file? Thanks in advance.