In my app, I construct a FeatureLayer with data from a query, and I want to add a label to the polylines that display the data value. I've tried a couple things, including the code below, but nothing has worked.
layer.hasLabels = true;
var labelSymbol = new esri.symbol.TextSymbol('');
var json = {
"labelExpressionInfo": {"value": "{thecolor}"},
"useCodedValues": false,
"fieldInfos": [{fieldName: "thecolor"}]
}; = true;
//create instance of LabelClass
var lc = new LabelClass(json);
lc.symbol = labelSymbol; // symbol also can be set in LabelClass' json
layer.setLabelingInfo([ lc ]);
Your define array is out of sequence.
'jimu/dijit/Message', //tyler
'jimu/MapManager', //tyler
'jimu/filterUtils', //tyler
function(declare, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, BaseWidget, TabContainer, domAttr, CheckBox, ContentPane,
FilteringSelect, Message, jimuUtils, MapManager, utils, esriConfig, urlUtils, Query, QueryTask, LabelClass, TextSymbol, Font, StatisticDefinition, Geoprocessor, FeatureSet,
It's all fine until you get to "Message" then you have "jimuUtils" in the function vars list but there is not a matching "jimu/utils" in the define array. So what that means is that the var "jimuUtils" is now associated with "MapManager" and "MapManager" is linked to "filterUtils" etc, etc.
I went through the define and imports and cleaned them up, but the labels still won't show up. Do I have to change the code somehow? I'm trying to get the labels to accompany polylines painted with a classbreaksrenderer.
This is what your define array looks like cleaned up (i.e removing the unused classes and proper ordering):
//classes used in the html template but not directly in code
declare, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, BaseWidget, Query, QueryTask, LabelClass,
TextSymbol, Font, StatisticDefinition,
SimpleLineSymbol, Color, ClassBreaksRenderer,
lang, on, dom, array, html, FeatureLayer, esriUtils
) {
The other thing I see is that I never specify a empty string for my TextSymbol.
var labelSymbol = new TextSymbol();
and you can have a simpler json:
var json = {
"labelExpressionInfo": {
"value": "{thecolor}"
When i added those changes, for some reason the polylines don't paint anymore, almost like adding the labels (which also aren't showing up) erases the symbol in the graphics.
Are there any errors in the browsers web console?
No, no errors in the console. I'm console.logging the layer, and i see it has an attribute 'hashtmlpopup'. Is there something I could do like adding html labels above the polylines?
Or is there a way I can iterate through the graphics in the feature layer and add the text symbols to the graphics?
Yes, you could add TextSymbol graphics to the map but that should not be necessary. You should strip down and simplify your widget to test more.