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Survey123 Autopopulation

10-10-2024 08:42 AM
New Contributor

I am creating a survey to assess road conditions. To identify each road there is a unique identifier. This unique identifier has a shapefile that has geometry and many other features associated with it (ex: street name, cross street, block#). I want other questions in the survey to auto-populate the other associated features once this unique identifier is inputted.

Ex: Question 1: Unique identifier of road segment?

       Question 2: "street name associated with this road is automatically inputted"

       Question 3: "cross street associated with this road is automatically inputted"

What is the easiest way to go about this? I'd like to do it within Survey123 and not use Survey123 Connect, if possible.

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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

The simplest way is to extract all your unique IDs and associated info to a CSV file, add that to your Survey's media, then use the techniques listed here to calculate the other fields. I'm almost certain this requires Connect but I highly recommend learning the full Connect workflow anyways, it'll save time in the future when your client's "basic" survey needs extra features bolted on.

If you need to update that CSV data, you can either generate new files and republish the survey, or you can publish the CSV to your portal and link it to the survey for real time links between the portal data and everyone's survey. There's also ways to pull directly from a feature service, but that requires porting all your shapefile data over and it's a bit flaky when a survey is collected offline.

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