I recently received a new computer and had to download Survey123 Connect again. I am running version 3.14.256. The app opens just fine but when I go to open any of my surveys they either get stuck loading or I immediately receive a Not Responding error message. Is anyone else experiencing this with this version? Do I need to download connect again?
Hello @Bryan_Wade,
A couple of things to try:
- In your display settings under Scale and layout is it set to 125% or 100%? If the Scale is set to 125% try changing it to 100% and restarting Connect does the same behavior occur?
- If you navigate to the install directory of Survey123, which by default is C:\Users\username\Applications\ArcGIS\ArcGISSurvey123Connect, open a Command Prompt session and cd to that directory. Once in the directory run ArcGISSurvey123Connect.exe --renderingEngine angle. Please see this link for more information: https://doc.arcgis.com/en/survey123/faq/faqgeneral.htm#anchor13
- If neither of those things work please enable logging in Connect and pass along a diagnostic log when the behavior is occurring for review on our end.
This just happened to me and fixing the display settings worked. Thank you. I have been working forever at 125% and had not had a problem until yesterday. What would cause that to happen all of a sudden? can I switch back to 125%? My eyes are not what they used to be ;o)
Hi Zachary,
Thanks for the tips. I am on Survey123 Connect v3.21. I've reset display scale to 100% and have launched the app through the command line with the --renderingEngine angle parameter. I am still receiving the Not Responding issue when attempting to open a form to make edits. The app hasn't loaded in 10+ mins. The unresponsiveness is also experienced when attempting to make a new survey. So I cannot support the survey I published by making updates at this point.
Any other recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
The latency I was experiencing seemed to have been resolved by installing Survey123 Connect through the downloadable executable (instead of the Microsoft Store) and ensuring all application resources are stored in default folder paths on the device (not network drives).