I am trying to use the ESRI Roadway Management solution to conduct a pavement condition index survey. I was able to download the PCI Field Map as an offline map, and I was able to download the Survey123 form for offline use. However, when I go offline and try to launch the Survey from the integrated link, I get an error because of no internet access. Is there a way to fix this so I can do everything offline?
It should work fine. Post a copy of your URL and how you are adding it to the popup.
I am using the standard PCI Field Map from ESRI Roadway Management solutions, so I didn't put the URL in there or set anything up myself. But this is what the default Arcade function is using:
You don't need Arcade just make it a text hyperlink. Works better that way. You would need to swap out the item id above for your version of the form of course.
The link you have directs me to a web page prompt to download the app or open the survey directly. I've already got the app installed so don't want to get this page.
If the users don't have the app installed, well they're offline so that'll be an issue anyway.