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Can I create a basic contact form on Storymaps?

03-31-2021 02:04 AM
New Contributor III


Hope everyones good today! 

Is it possible to create a basic contact form on Storymaps that will enable the user to enter name, email and query and click a "submit" button as you would on a website?  Or is it a case of the best way is just to supply your contact details at the bottom?

Thanks 🙂

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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

@SimonTDC -- There are a few ways you can do this:

  1. Create a Survey123 form to collect the information you need from your readers and embed the form in your story. This has the advantage of not needing to expose an email within your story and easier sharing of the results since the info isn't contained within an email account.
  2. Add a button link that says something like "Contact us" readers can click to send you an email. You can use the mailto: protocol for the hyperlink so that clicking the button opens the reader's default email application and starts a new email to your address. For example
  3. Add a contact info link somewhere in the credits section (you can also use a mailto: hyperlink here)
Owen Evans
Lead Product Engineer | StoryMaps