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ArcGIS StoryMaps Briefings App Updates

09-27-2023 07:59 PM
Esri Contributor
4 2 1,302

The briefings app is a companion to your ArcGIS StoryMaps briefings. You can now access and share your briefings on the go from your iOS and Android tablets, and Windows computers and tablets providing a viewing, interacting, and presentation experience at your fingertips. For more information, please read our announcement blog article .  

 Please provide any feedback or issues encountered through the in-app feedback or Esri Community

What's New?

Here is the list of updates that have been added in the app version 1.5.7 for the August 21st, 2024 update  :

  • View and copy code snippets inside briefings.
  • Display time-enabled layers in web maps, scenes, mobile map packages and scene packages
  • Manage multiple downloaded briefings from the briefings’ app with Manage Storage settings.
  • Enhanced express maps pop-up information with Media.
  • Smoother experience with autoplay briefings.
  • Several bug fixes.


Below is a list of issues you may encounter while using this release of the briefings app and a preview of what is planned for future releases.  

Known Issues and Limitations 

We are aware of the following issues and plan to address them in an upcoming release. 

IOS specific 

  • A downloaded icon may show for non-downloaded briefings under the “All Briefings” tab only (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Some special characters do not get encoded correctly in Briefing slide title and TOC (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Video glyph beside the link to resource is missing and shows as space (Fixed in ver. 1.1.3)
  • GIF images do not animate and are shown as static image when added in logo or image block (Fixed in ver. 1.3.5)
  • PDFs added in embedded block and link to resource are not scrollable. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • Briefings cards display abnormally and unclickable on "My Downloads" tab when downloading a briefing if never switch to "My Downloads" tab before.  (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • Videos do not honor the theme background color on playing.
  • Text shows single line and then truncates it on table of contents, and map pop-up identify for some cases.
  • In some instances, when you pull down to refresh, the user interface may not update properly. 
  • Bold and italic styling is not yet supported in text blocks.
  • When choosing recent used URLs in dark theme, the URL will appear dark for the first time.  
  • When the numbered list has 10+ items, the list gets pushed right giving some space in front of single digit items.

Android specific 

  • There may be a lag when switching tabs, showing an empty screen instead of a graphic when there are no briefings to display. Please pull down to refresh if this occurs (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Map tools have an offset placement issue (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Tapping on the search bar in the map causes the briefings tablet app to crash (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Some web scenes fail to expand correctly when clicking the expand button (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Swipe block for maps do not have expand option (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Some special characters do not get encoded correctly in Briefing slide title and TOC (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Video glyph beside the link to resource is missing and shows as space (Fixed in ver. 1.1.3)
  • Scrolling within the embedded content view can interfere with the swiping gesture for the briefing slides (Fixed in ver.1.1.3)
  • Text shows single line and then truncates it on gallery card, table of contents and map pop-up identify (Fixed in ver. 1.3.5)
  • The screen may flash initially in the briefing slide before an embedded resource loads (Fixed in ver. 1.4.6)
  • Tint issue for legend button in maps and scenes. (Fixed in ver. 1.4.6)
  • If the images have a focus configured which is different from the default, it does not show the focus.
  • When web layers having embedded credentials are added in some IWA portal, the briefing shows Sign-in challenge.
  • All the items inside the numbered list always pushed to right giving some space in front of the text regardless of number of items.
  • Video does not properly expand all the way to the bottom when Table of Contents is open.
  • SAML/ADFS has issue in signing out from the current user account and when trying to sign-in back with another user account, it auto sign-ins with the first user account.

Windows specific

  • There is UI sizing issue when windows screen is resized while inside briefing (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Identify pop-up window in swipe block for express maps does not display (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Some downloaded briefings show blank page on opening them and are not readable (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Offline to online behavior does not display correct toast message in some cases (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • On clicking on My Briefings filter in disabled network, it shows offline empty state (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Swipe block may have issues in the swiping gesture (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Bold and color styling is not yet supported in text blocks (Fixed in ver. 1.1.3)
  • The sign-in button does not respond after signing browser has been closed without logging into the app. It would require restarting the app (Fixed in ver. 1.1.3)
  • Video glyph beside the link to resource is missing and shows as space (Fixed in ver. 1.1.3)
  • Some special characters do not get encoded correctly in Briefing slide title and TOC (Fixed in ver. 1.1.3)
  • Scrolling through gallery cards has shadow effect while refreshing the items. (Fixed in ver.1.3.5)
  • Windows shows single line and then truncates the text on gallery card, TOC and map pop-up identify (Fixed in ver. 1.3.5)
  • Windows always takes to cover page when minimizing and again maximizing the app.(Fixed in ver. 1.4.6)
  • When focus is changed for any image or video thumbnail that is Filled, Windows does not honor the focus change (Fixed in ver. 1.4.6)
  • After installing the app on some non-English language/locale environments, it may fail to launch. In this case please install the VC++ redistribution package from and then relaunch the app.   Alternatively, you can install the app on an English language/locale environment first and then switch to the non-English language and launch the app successfully. 
  • Images in expanded view do not zoom in/out for non-touch devices only.
  • There is UI issue with mouse wheel gestures while inside briefing.
  • There are few UI issues when having Windows size resized and back to full screen size.


  • The continue button on the sign-in dialogue does not get highlighted, but it is fully operational (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Swipe blocks with maps are not yet supported (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Some icons that are dark by default are not tinting properly at times (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Some icons are not visible in the dark theme. Please use the light theme (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Enterprise support is currently only for OAuth and SAML authorizations (Fixed in ver. 1.0)
  • Scene tools disappearing on slide view (Fixed in ver. 1.1.3)
  • One extra busy indicator appears on the gallery page when pulled down to refresh (Fixed in ver. 1.1.3)
  • Add to favorites / Remove from favorites does not respond in My Downloads tab (Fixed in ver. 1.1.3)
  • View full details does not redirect to the ArcGIS Online metadata page in My Downloads tab (Fixed in ver. 1.1.3)
  • App crashes when downloading a draft briefing (Fixed in ver. 1.1.3)
  • Icon tint issues on tapping download icon or any link to resource inside the briefing (Fixed in ver. 1.3.5)
  • Alignments for cell values in a Table was getting copied over to the right columns. (Fixed in ver. 1.4.6)
  • Video added as the link to resource is not pausing when the link is closed (Fixed in ver. 1.4.6)
  • Current location marker and search result pin on Map/Scene is not disappearing after navigating to other slide and returning to the same slide. (Fixed in ver. 1.4.6)
  • Web Scene in offline briefings shows loading indicator instead of offline placeholder. (Fixed in ver. 1.4.6)
  • Images with Fit configuration were missing correct background color when navigating from a video slide.(Fixed in ver. 1.4.6)
  • Search pin gets disappeared in express maps sometimes when search is already used in other map/scene in a double layout slide. (Fixed in ver. 1.4.6)
  • When maps are added in double layout, their extents were in sync when navigating from a swipe block. (Fixed in ver. 1.4.6)
  • All map tools in a slide view disappear after expanding and then collapsing the map when navigating from swipe block slide. (Fixed in ver. 1.4.6)
  • When only 1 map is added in a Swipe block, map tools do not display. (Fixed in ver. 1.4.6)
  • Legend contents and map tools in a Swipe block for Express maps show empty when navigating directly to that slide.(Fixed in ver. 1.4.6)
  • When images in Swipe block are Fill, the right image gets clipped on slide view. (Fixed in ver. 1.4.6)
  • Briefing navigation keys were not correctly responding when navigating from last slide having a link that navigates to any previous slide.(Fixed in ver. 1.4.6)
  • Express maps in the web tier authentications like IWA, LDAP and PKI do not show the picture marker images in online briefings. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • Express maps pop-up information having hyperlinks show as normal text. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • Image Gallery will always show maximum of 4 columns irrespective of single or double (30%, 50%, 70%) layout. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • No pop-up displays when clicking a feature with Video info in Express map. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • Images with Fit configuration having background and attribution is not honored when clicking a feature with media info in Express map (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • Duplicate circle features are displayed in the Express Map block with "Imagery (Hybrid)" basemap.(Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • Video added in express map feature pop-up is not playing in Enterprise accounts. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • Double pop-up appears on swipe block maps when previously opening a pop-up in map block and then opening a pop-up in swipe block. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • Attribution icon persists and overlap with other feature pop-up when clicking feature without image/video on Express map. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • Video added in swipe block for express maps feature pop-up do not show play control. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • No response when clicking the link in attribution of left image in Swipe block. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • Timer in 30% time-enabled maps do not stop when played in expanded mode and then collapsed in the slide view. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • Cover page looks empty when no media added by the author on the cover page. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • Footer page number in the Feature pop-up information box is missing after clicking on any area in the Web Map/Scene block. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • Media of another map feature is missing when clicking on one of the map features in Express map block of briefings with double layout slide. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • When downloading multiple briefings in queue, and on switching tab to My Downloads, it shows duplicate briefings and does not refresh properly. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • Inconsistency in expanding and collapsing content added in the Media only layout. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • No response when clicking Sign out/Appearance/Provide Feedback buttons on Settings page of AGSM Briefings app after device's internet connection is disabled. (Fixed in ver. 1.5.7)
  • Group layers title is not displayed in Express Map legend.
  • Sign-in may fail the first time when using Facebook.
  • You may experience an inability to sign out when signed in with a Gmail or GitHub account.
  • Briefings using Google Fonts show the Summit theme fonts as the default.
  • Scene layers within a legend for web scenes are not supported.
  • 3D basemaps are not supported for web scenes.
  • GIF images may not be sized as expected when added as resource link from ArcGIS content.
  • When bookmark panel is not closed in a map attachment link and if opened another map or scene, the same bookmark panel shows there.
  • On iOS and Windows, the initial extent for Mobile Scene Package (MSPK) shows wrong when navigating from MMPK to MSPK in a downloaded briefing.
  • On iOS and Android, Identify pop-up may look too narrow in slide view.
  • App crashes when having a Web Map with Teams Notes layer.
  • Image layer added as a base layer in the Express map shows Canvas Light basemap.
  • Video control always appears in Express Map feature pop-up information when the playback settings changed to autoplay.


What’s Coming 

We are considering the following updates for future releases:

  • Support for the Portrait mode for the briefings app.
  • Enhance UI to check for updates and have option to auto update downloaded briefings.
  • Grid lines and Map units panel for web maps, express maps and mobile map packages.