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REST API - How to use polygon Geometry in identify?

01-21-2025 10:37 AM
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Frequent Contributor


I am quite new to REST API syntax and I am trying to use the Identify capability on a published MapService.

The Geometry JSON syntax looks correct for Polygon.

For example:


I would expect a set of points coming from the raster published in the MapService. Instead, the Identify returns a unique result falling on the centroid!

Stretch.Pixel Value: 258
Raster.OBJECTID: 6166
Raster.Count: 1014305
X: 15.0
Y: 57.5
Spatial Reference: 4326  (4326)

Is it an expected behavior of the Polygon geometry identify? I would rather get all the raster points falling into the polygon and ideally perform some sort of aggregation such as mean, min, max of the raster points values returned. Does this make sense?

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