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Writing features to a feature class by a batch process

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10-22-2024 02:53 PM
Regular Contributor

I apologize in advance that I can't post any of our code. We have an add-in that manages the display of a couple of WMS services. A feature of the add-in is the ability to export the displayed points to a feature class. We accomplish this by running a WFS request; it returns a GeoJSON list of features, which we then write to a new feature class.

The issue is that the user might have tens of thousands of points on the map, and in some cases over 100,000 features. The add-in iterates through this list and adds the features to the feature class one at a time. In the test I ran, it took almost 3 minutes to write about 14,000 features. We were wondering if there's a batch write method somewhere in the SDK, or maybe we incorporate a Python script to do the feature writing.

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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor

@TyroneLigon1 , The Insert Cursor API should be used for your level of bulk insertion; it is designed to insert faster rows in the Pro SDK.

View solution in original post

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12 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor


Have you tried to call geoprocessing tool Batch import data from you add'in? It can import GeoJSON to featureclass.

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Regular Contributor

Can I call the tool via Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync? If so, what is the tool's alias?

Otherwise, will I have to open the tool in the geoprocessing panel? If so, do I have to save the GeoJSON to the file system, then have the user open the file and specify the geodatabase location? Or, can I populate those fields on my own?

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Esri Regular Contributor

Yes, You can call Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync. Tool name will be "BatchImportData_intelligence". You need to have minimum Standard ArcGIS Pro license to use that tool.

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Regular Contributor

Do I first execute Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray with the GeoJSON and the geodatabase location as the arguments? Also, how can I then specify the feature class name? Currently, we first create the feature class in the map project's default geodatabase (the name is a concatenation of a timestamp and WMS layer name), then we add the fields, then we populate the feature class one feature at a time.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Yes, you need to create parameters first:

        IReadOnlyList<string> importParams = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(@"c:\data\sourcedata", @"\\data\operationaldata.sde", "*airports*.shp", "NO_SUBFOLDERS");
        IGPResult result = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("intelligence.BatchImportData", importParams);
        if (result.IsFailed)
          MessageBox.Show("Unable to import", "Batch import");

Parameters from documentation sample. Use yours. As I understand featureclass names will be created automatically from source names. After you can rename them.

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Regular Contributor

Can you give me a link to this sample? I can't find it in the Pro SDK documentation.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Link is above. This is python sample at the bottom of page. There is no documentation for each geoprocessing tool for ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET.

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Regular Contributor

Sorry, I got pulled away from this project for a few days. The parameter array is failing - I believe it's because I'm directly injecting a GeoJSON list object. Do I have to save the list to the file system first?

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Esri Regular Contributor

Yes. Documentation says that first parameter must be file or folder:

Name Explanation Data Type

The folders containing the data files or the data files to convert to geodatabase feature classes.

Folder; File
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