My attempt to set and save the geometry on a point layer is throwing the COMException: Error HRESULT E_FAIL error on line 24, feat.Store(). @CharlesMacleod @Wolf @UmaHarano @GKmieliauskas any ideas?
Full error message is below:
ArcGIS.Core.Data.Exceptions.GeodatabaseException: 'A geodatabase exception has occurred.'
COMException: Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
var qf1 = new QueryFilter()
SubFields = $"{acctFieldname},{siteFieldname},{grpFieldname},{shapeFieldname}",
using (var gdb = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(gdbPath))))
using (var iphFc = gdb.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>(IfpHTableName))
using (var cursor1 = iphFc.Search(qf1, false))
while (cursor1.MoveNext())
using (var feat = cursor1.Current as Feature)
var shape = feat.GetShape();
var acctValue = Convert.ToString(feat[acctFieldname]);
var siteValue = Convert.ToString(feat[siteFieldname]);
var grpValue = Convert.ToString(feat[grpFieldname]);
var asgValue = $"{acctValue}_{siteValue}_{grpValue}";
if (geocodedAsgsWshape.ContainsKey(asgValue))
var newShape = geocodedAsgsWshape[asgValue];
if (!newShape.Equals(shape))
The linked documentation states that you only need to utilise the edit operation callback when performing edits that span both GIS and non-GIS data. I am only updating GIS data so I assumed that I don't need to use a callback.
I have checked all Esri Community samples. There are 3 cases of using Store method. First method using inside EditOperation callback. Second method uses Store inside Geodatabase.ApplyEdits (sample MemoryGeodatabase). And third one as I wrote above is using Store in Row events without additional requirements (sample ModifyNewlyAddedFeatures). Rest of Store samples (6 from 😎 use first method.
I used Store method in my first add-ins, but now there is no Store usage in my code. It seems that is similar solution as in ArcObjects but it works different.