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Aprx with SDE layers does not open from Visual studio

09-22-2024 09:39 PM
Esri Regular Contributor

I have a simple pro sdk solution (a button). When I run it Pro is opened and I select my aprx that contain 2 layers from SDE (Oracle). Then Pro just hang there for ever. Does not give and red exclamation mark or any error message.

When I open the same aprx not from VS it open just fine and I can attach my VS project and debug without any problem.

The SDE layers in the current project are connected by TNS name.

The original project uses easy oracle connect and it works just fine!

As soon as I changed to tns it does not open any more.

I use database authentication.

There is no problem running the vs solution and open any aprx that does not have sde layers.

Anybody have an idea?


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