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Using Living Atlas layer (Canada Land Cover 2015)

11-08-2024 12:48 PM
New Contributor

I opened Canada Land cover 2015 map from Living Atlas in ArcGIS Pro. How do I use this map? It does not allow me to do anything. Can this only be used to visualize? All I want is to overlay some points over it and assign the landuse class to the points over which they are falling, So if a point falls over Built up area, the point attribute table gets the value "Built up area" from the Canada Land cover 2015 map. Can anyone help?



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A workaround is as follows:

You can run GP tool Clip Raster to create a new raster covering just your AOI.

If you have Spatial Analyst

  • Run GP tool Extract Values to Points. This extracts the pixel values from the raster and adds them to the attribute table of the point features.  

If you don’t have Spatial Analyst

  • You can run GP tool Raster To Polygon to create a polygon feature class then run a Spatial Join between the new raster and your point features.

You can download a PDF from here  that interprets the pixel values/grid codes.

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