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Missing features after exporting?

06-25-2019 09:26 AM
New Contributor

Hello all,

I am having an issue where I am missing features after exporting a layout to .pdf. Is anyone else having an issue like this with pro? I am missing Phase 6, dashed blue line, even when it shows on my layout. All help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.

ArcGIS Pro Layout View:

Exported .pdf file:

5 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Blake - if you export the layout to *.jpg or *.tif, does the same disappearing feature disappear?  One workflow you could try is copy the Phase 6 layer to a new geodatabase feature class and add it to the Map View.  Delete the old geodatabase feature class then export to *.pdf again.  Does the feature still disappear?

New Contributor

Did you ever solve this issue, a few users in our organization see this error of missing features in the PDF exports, thanks!

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New Contributor

Hi Max, I resorted to exporting the layout to a .jpg and then converted to a .pdf. That resolved the issue of the feature disappearing. I did not attempt the workflow Robert recommended since I was in a rush to get these printed.

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Occasional Contributor

I was having the same issue as the OP. I did follow the workflow outlined by @Robert_LeClair (with a slight twist in that I also created a new file geodatabase for the 'new' feature class) and it worked perfectly. To be specific, my workflow was:

  1. Create a new file geodatabase
  2. Right click on new FGDB in Catalog and imported the offending feature classes (there were 4 line FCs in my case)
  3. Add the newly imported FCs to the map and copy-pasted the properties from the original FCs
  4. Export to PDF

I was using ArcPro 3.3.2 at the time. Hope this is helpful

New Contributor

Was having the same issue, including .jpg. Sounds silly, but simply closed the project, reopened and fixed the problem... Go figure.

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