Labels stopped working in ArcPro 3.0 and subsequent updates

09-28-2022 10:58 AM
New Contributor II

Hello there, I (and my colleague) have noticed that the labeling feature is not working after the latest updates of ArcPro. I am trying to label polylines, and the parameters are the same as before, but no matter what I do, the labels are not showing. Any suggestions gratefully accepted!


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4 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Labels have been working fine on my machine. Have you tried:

1. Adding a layer to a new, blank map and creating labels from scratch -- do they appear then?

2. Checking your label weights - Map ribbon tab > Labeling group > More > Weights. Each feature has a weight, are any set to 1000? Check the weight of any graphic layers, too. Any set to 'high'?

3. Turn on 'View unplaced' from that same labeling group. Are you seeing them then?

Just a few troubleshooting steps to get you started, could be something else, too.

New Contributor II

Thank you so much for the suggestions.

SO, I did create a new, blank map, but the labels did not appear. However, when I set the weight at 1000 they appeared.  When I went back to my original map, changed the layer weight to 1000, nothing happened.

I also tried to turn on "View unplaced' but nothing seems to happen when I do that.

Thank you for your help though. I appreciate the suggestions!

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Frequent Contributor

So, label weights actually discourage other layers from labeling over the features in the label class for which you set a weight, and 1000 blocks labels from appearing over those features whatsoever. Hopefully that helps.

New Contributor II

Definitely helps! Thank you so much--you are a wealth of knowledge! 🙂

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