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How to calculate Unemployment Rate using the ACS 2022 5-year estimates in the Enriched Data

11-13-2024 09:19 AM
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Frequent Contributor

Hello -

Does anyone know how I can calculate the Unemployment Rate using the ACS 2022 5-year estimates in the Enriched Data? I tried using 2022 Employed Civilian Population Age 16+ (ACS 5-Yr) Percent (ACSEMPCIV_P) and subtracting it from 100, but I get a grossly wrong number. I can't identify a denominator that I could use to calculate it manually.


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2 Replies
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I'm not familiar with using enriched data, but if your geography is tracts, counties, or states, you could instead use Esri's Living Atlas ACS Employment Status Variables layer? Field 'B23025_calc_pctUnempE' is what you want.

Otherwise, I think your calculation is giving an incorrect value because some of the population isn't in the labor force (e.g., students, stay-at-home parents, etc.), and the unemployment % only takes into account people who are actually looking for work.

Your denominator should be something like, "Civilian Population Age 16+ in Labor Force."

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Frequent Contributor

@NicoleJohnson Thanks for your response. I need to use the enriched data source to calculate the unemployment rate for our service area polygon that doesn't align with any census boundaries. I would like to use B23025_calc_pctUnempE but it is not provided in the enriched data nor is the denominator data "Civilian Population Age 16+ in Labor Force from what I can find.

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