Hi all,
I need some ideas.
I have a river - long feature.
It passes through many (100s) of land parcels. River is intersected with the parcels to split it to parts per parcel.
I need to produce 100s of layouts at a set scale, showing the river passing through each parcel. Sometimes the parcel is long and 2+ layouts are needed to show the river in that parcel.
Some caveats: I need to name each layout with the parcel name (it is an attribute in parcel FC). The name must be written in a text box (think of it as title) in the layout canvas.
Each layout must only show the part of the river passing through it. Neighbouring parts of the river must be off.
Any ideas how to achieve this?
Have you tried looking at creating a spatial map series?
Hi Peter,
I was considering this spatial map series, however there is the requirement to not have the adjacent parts of the river shown in the layout.
Also how to get the name of the parcel to the layout title?
Create a new layer (just for export purposes) by clipping the river layer with the land parcels, this can become your display layer. You can then assign a page query to that layer, so that only the river section with the same name as the current map series name is displayed.
You can access the name of the layour page using dynamic text (example below)
<dyn type="page" property="name"/>
Create a new layer (just for export purposes) by clipping the river layer with the land parcels, this can become your display layer. You can then assign a page query to that layer, so that only the river section with the same name as the current map series name is displayed.
You can access the name of the layout page using dynamic text (example below)
<dyn type="page" property="name"/>
Thanks for the idea.
So now the intersected rivers have the name of the parcel as attribute. Good, I can then produce the map series in the layout using this river pieces. Page query also works.
The only thing that remains is how to show the river in a parcel at a fixed scale of 2500m. Long parcels would autoset the scale to 5000-1000m.
I effect I need smaller pieces of river in any parcel so they can fit on multiple 2500 scale maps on the map series.
Any ideas, besides manually splitting the river?
Glad we're making progress. This next bit is trickier. Let me think on it. You can fix the scale of a map series, but that will just mean you're missing sections of your river which we don't want. I guess we're into the realms of stuff the design team didn't consider...almost like a map series within a map series?!
Could you analyse parcel length and create a second map, layout and map series and definition query to just show those that met the criteria?
Thanks for the replay Richard.
I am not sure what you mean by the last sentence there.
Thinking about is I will need a something like strip map index features generated on the river layer with 500 m in length, but for each parcel, not for the line as a whole.