Create pick list from intersects arcade

06-25-2024 05:56 AM
Labels (3)
Frequent Contributor


I'm wondering if there is a way with Attribute Rules to create a pick list of items when encountering more than one feature while doing an intersects function.

Example:  we have leaseholds and condos where our property appraiser draws them on top of each other.  I'm doing AR (attribute rules) that use the point where an object is placed to pull certain attributes thru to the point from the parcels layer (and the ones that are stacked).  This process works beautifully on single feature parcels.  However, due to having the selection be the first of the intersections, then of course, it is only picking the first in the list.  I need to change this to where it will show and allow selection of any in the list.  I'm thinking that there will be an if, else if that is based on the count for the intersection and then process differently based on if one feature or multiple.

Has anyone encountered this and come up with a solution?  I currently have several AR that pull separate pieces of the data into the attributes; however, I am open to using a dictionary, but need help in setting it up.  But then, I'm not sure that dictionary is the proper one to use either as it appears that it is more of a 'domain' type item for one attribute, not something that can fill in multiple attributes (fields) in the same row.

Thanks for any insight!


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4 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

I haven't encountered that exact situation, no. When we encounter those sorts of overlapping parcels, we're usually using an identifier attribute to filter things rather than a spatial intersection.

Unfortunately, I don't think you can use Arcade to dynamically populate a dropdown. But there may still be something you can do. Perhaps your attribute rule could check for intersections, and when > 1 are found, simply not return anything? That would leave those leasehold / condo parcels for you to update manually, which isn't ideal, but it would avoid possibly inaccurate data coming in.

We also use subtypes on our parcels data, so if the parcel type is "condo" or "leasehold", it can be handled differently.

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
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Our PA has type codes, but not all the older ones have been edited to have the proper code yet.  We really don't want to have the parcel id (and other fields) as an editable field either - remove the chance of typo's in the data.

I've tried to use Survey123 with the data to do a form fill in and pull the data from the parcel layer, but there were several 'bugs' that precluded using that option.

Would AR allow for the option of seeing if there are multiple intersections to then allow for the parcel id to be typed in, then go and select the attributes from the parcel table based on the data entered?  I.E. place a point, count of intersections > 1, enter a parcel id in a text field, select remaining data from the table where parcelid = entered text?  Sounds like maybe a few nested if, else if statements.  Actually, it sounds like may be a hybrid situation.

This data has to be one to one as it is eventually some tax data that is added.



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How do you use a filter with your parcels?  Is there a way to use entered text via an AR to be able to use the Filter function to select the proper data?  I had tried to use Survey123 to be able to enter the PID and have it place a point on the map and select the data, found a bug, it didn't place a point at the x,y coord, only the lat/long which put it way off from where it should be.  We us state plane.  Granted I haven't tried it in over a year, so maybe ....

Any insight that you have would be helpful, the single parcel intersection works great, the overlaps are problematic.



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Occasional Contributor

Hi @LorindaGilbert 
We are also looking for similar case like need to extract the floor attribute features stacked in the building. we are able to capture only top floor attribute from the building not user selected floor.
If you find any solution kindly do post here.

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