We have a Hosted Feature Layer in our ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6 deployment. This layer has ~200K records. When we add this hosted layer to ArcPro and try to use "Export Feature" for "Export Table" tool. It creates a new Feature Class/Table but with only 12K records. It does not export all records.
Is there a reason for this behavior?
You have ruled out a selection perhaps from a query
Yes, there are no selections. On the map also it does not show all the features. However, on the attribute table it shows all ~200K features and export option on the attribute table works fine and export all the records into table. But the Export options in the "Data" tab only exports 12K records.
I have this issue too. Approx 900k records shown in SQL, 500k shown in Attribute table within Pro, 100k shown if i query the feature service directly (but that's a function of the limit set on the Service). How do i get Pro to show all 900k records?
I am having this issue too. Any solutions.1800 selected exports 72 records.