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Rematch Address Improvement

08-14-2024 06:44 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

I am currently doing some address geocoding and noticed where some improvement could be made to the rematch address geoprocessing tool.

I started with over 1600 tied address records and I am rematching them over time. Normally, there are numerous matches with equal scores and you just select the best option. However, some addresses do not have a good match and must be skipped and require further review.  This process is taking weeks to complete and I have built up a large list of addresses to skip. Each time I start the rematch address process, I have to manually click through all the skipped addresses to reach the point where I can continue rematching the tied addresses.

So here is the improvement I am suggesting, instead of only allowing the user to click from one to the next address to rematch, please make it possible to type in the number of the rematch address I need to go to.  The current tool only allows a forward or backward arrow to proceed one address at a time. If there was a way to click on the number and type in my desired rematch record, that would greatly improve the efficiency in which I can complete this task. So instead of going from record 1 to record 2 to record 3 etc. I could jump to record 55 or 100 or 1200 without having to click through all the other records that I do not need to look at right now. The attached image has a red box around the area that I am referring to.

I think this would help with any workflow that requires geocoding addresses, rematching those addresses and having to skip numerous records for any reason during the process.

1 Comment

does someone have a workaround for what this user is suggesting? i deal with the same issue and spend hours of my life clicking