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Include “Publish” option for ALL ArcGIS Server Connection instances in Pro

05-08-2024 06:46 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

The only place the “Publish” option in the right-click menu for an ArcGIS Server Connection is available is when it is listed under Catalog > Project > Servers.

If the same connection (AGS file) is moved to Favorites, the “Publish” option is no longer included.

If the exact same connection file is viewed under Catalog > Project > Folders, the “Publish” option is no longer included.

In response to BUG-000167223, Esri replied that this is by design, stating “To publish to a standalone server, add the server connection to your project.”

I don’t see how removing functionality on an element in the UI when it is viewed in certain places is “by design”. I would like to have my server connections for non-federated servers in one place with one instance of the AGS file in my file system. This is a cleaner approach for file management and it means I don’t have to update passwords for every instance I have strewn across projects if I were to take Esri’s recommended approach.